This is a hard teaching; who can accept it?
It is not our business to re-write Bible verses!
The easiest cross for each one to bear!
True religion is intensely practical
When surrounded by an ungodly society
The situation in which she died is instructive
The art of living a Christian life
None of us would want to have our hearts photographed
Five Short Rules for Christians
How loudly and persuasively does His conduct preach!
What a believer would do—if he could
Why does God allow sin to remain in His people?
The common complaint of all true Christians
There are few things at which people enact greater farces!
Oh, what a blessed formula for us
The very highest object of angel and archangel before the throne!
Few and fleeting and uncertain!
Here is a sermon which none can dispute!
We need more sermons in shoes!
We might find it filled with sharp thorns under the flowers!
If a toad or a serpent was put in my food or in my bed
If we were what we profess to be, and what we should be
He should be a walking image of Jesus!
Therefore, brethren, we are debtors!
They are the treasures which His great heart covets!
Flinging gold coins and diamonds into the sea!
Crucial questions for the Christian!
The subtle beginnings of self-indulgence!
The best preacher of the gospel
The whore of Babylon's golden goblet!
Hang that question up in your houses!
If your religion does not make you holy!
No Christian is where he ought to be spiritually
O that my ways were directed to keep Your statutes!
A sound creed is exceedingly valuable!
He had to 'learn the lesson' just as we do
Our religion must cost us something!
Refine it, and sweeten it, and sanctify it!
The best thing most of us can do in this world!
What can't be cured—should be endured!
A story is told of an old man who lived long ago!
What does it mean to follow Christ?
What answer can you give to these very important questions?
Untrained, unlopped, unpruned, uncultured!
Surely, the canary is wiser than the starling!
This lesson makes life easy and simple!
The standard which the Apostle gives!
The great lesson of the Christian life
Paul desired to be exactly like Jesus
Behold the image of the Lord Jesus!
A fool finds pleasure in evil conduct!
Living out the lessons in daily life!
It may be turned to good account—or it may be wasted, or misspent!
To walk with God, is to live ever as in His presence!
The very best place to get the transformed, transfigured life!
Christianity does not apply to the mundane duties of life
My dearest idol must be thrown down!
It is not easy for us to learn this lesson
What kind of people ought you to be?
What are you doing with your time?
Endeavor to learn Paul's lesson
The making of Christian character
He asks for absolute surrender
We do not have to be crucified on pieces of wood
This, and nothing but this, is true Christianity
Our conception of Christlikeness
Would such an inscription look well on some of our costly furniture?
The sweet and quiet influence of your life
Is Jesus like anybody we know?
The description of the godly man
The representative of Christ in this world
What is it for you to be a Christian?
The secrets of temporal felicity!
What can strangers and travelers expect?
Your many defects and corruptions
A refreshing draught to a weary traveler
Remember that you are the son of a king!
The mortifying of your darling sins
What it is to follow the Lamb?
A man's head on a beast's shoulders!
Expect others to be absolutely guided by our rules
A tree is recognized by its fruit
The 'picture' of the ideal Christian life
What a believer would do, if he could!
Our conception of Christian living
Our conception of Christian life
The worldling's ease—but the godly man's end
Ah, the sharpest thorns are unseen by mortal eyes
Stop bringing meaningless offerings!
This is to follow the Lamb wherever He goes
We must not cut our lives in two!
You are trespassing on forbidden ground!
If he is a liar, a talebearer, a railer, a flatterer or a jester
Another mark of growth in grace
Another mark of growth in grace
The best that most of us can do in this world
You are walking in the midst of snares and traps!
The duty, the privilege, the safety, the unspeakable happiness!
If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you
Manifest the life of Christ in our daily living
Life's highest and best lesson
You see the workings of gratitude even in your dog!
We must be wedded to the Leah of real holiness
Surely something must be amiss with the scales
Do we think earnestly about being like Him here and now?
The unconscious influences of our lives
We ought to hate it with a deadly hatred!
Our lives should be New Testament pages that all can read!
O friends! remember this once for all
The whole world was astonished and followed the beast!
We ought not to spend our life in picking up rubbish
Stay away from the church service!
There is but one standard of true Christian character
We do not have to be crucified on pieces of wood
Many a blemish, many a defect, many an infirmity
This lesson makes life easy and simple!
I asked the Lord that I might grow
Trust in God, and do the right
The application may be made to all departments of life
Keep yourselves out of the filthy puddle of this world!
Our chief standard of holy living
One of the secrets of happy and beautiful life
Worship God in the shop or kitchen
A most valuable lesson for every Christian to learn
There must be no conditions in the following of Christ
The eye of God is ever upon us
The world's standard of Christianity
The magical lantern blinding us with a splendid delusion!
The highest attainment in Christian life
Our thoughts build our character
The cross is not made of soft feathers!
They were not carried on beds of ease to heaven!
Lord, teach me to number my days
The object in putting these verses in the Bible
Our conception of Christian living
The lesson applies to other things besides bread
They have God in their mouths!
How good I am! What fine things I have done!
We are to learn to live the things which are Christly!
Every step along the path of life
There is no such a word in the 'dictionary of faith'
Nothing which is done for Christ is lost
The spring of true obedience to God
Their religion was all a pious farce!
I am still sadly deficient in practice!
A jewel of more worth than a world!
Every follower of Christ is called to a life of holiness!
This lesson makes life easy and simple!
We have to paint the pictures ourselves!
Filled with folly, vanity, and vexation!
We may safely let our life write its own record
Let me try to draw a picture of Biblical holiness
Eighty years of plain, simple, humble, Christlike goodness
A perfect pattern for us to follow
A flower which never grew in the world's garden!
We blunder and stumble in our holiest endeavors!
There has been too much trifling with Jehovah!
Murmuring, dissatisfaction, discontent
You say that you want to be like Christ
As we pass through its foul streets
A living, loving, personal Savior
Going to hell in a more devout manner!
Beware of splitting upon this rock!
A threefold cord which cannot be broken!
The secret of our growth in grace
Trace the steps of His lovely feet
God does not simply remove our ugly character traits!
The happiest homes in the world
We shall be sure to find something to annoy us!
I would recommend all parents to get this kind of Bible
Must we long for the onions of Egypt?
A life once spent, is irrevocable
It is easier to offer God a few easy activities
If we would be like our Master
Constant multiplication of corrupted copies
An ice-house, instead of a hot house!
These are not suggestions about what God's people ought to be
The Christian should remember that every day he lives
They have many scars and spots
You should follow in His steps
An evil spirit for his playmate!
It mightily alters and changes a man!
The supreme thing in Christian life
Lilies and roses—among the briars
Pilgrims and strangers on this earthly ball
An excellent way of commenting upon the Bible
Our doctrine is utterly meaningless!
It is the student who must learn the lesson
If a Christian could have his choice
Flowery talking—without strict walking
We must struggle long and hard!
A little, poor, helpless child
We are not to forget the Giver—as we enjoy His gifts!
The purpose of God for our life on earth
The model and strength of his life
The motto of all His beautiful years
Have we not leaned upon a thousand things?
It is not the man who hides himself in a cave
It is a practical and perpetual sermon!
The beauty and glory of a Christian
Faith, in its practical exercise
When You shall enlarge my heart.
The world's standard of Christianity!
As the tree falls—so must it lie!
You would not suspect him to be a Christian
How will this look—when I am dying?
An amazing and humbling difference
Canaanitish idols and heathenish abominations
All glittering glow-worm glories
Instructions for daily conduct
Rejecting the cross—they will lose the crown!
The countless lowly ministries of the every-days
The hateful, the abhorred, the accursed sin, that caused it all.
Keep watch over the door of my lips!
The daily business of a Christian
The lesson may be hard to many of us
Sin seen, hated, conquered, and forsaken!
Many dig their graves, with their teeth!
Seven principles of Christian discipleship
Absolutely and without question
The only thing that concerns us
What does the Lord require of you?
A self-pleasing, self-indulging, worldly-minded people
He will have the supreme affection of his people
Little children, keep yourselves from idols!
Until we throw off this cumbrous clay!
When He withdraws His restraining hand!
The grand duty of the believer!
The humblest laborers in His vineyard!
What does God require of His children?
The solution of your difficulty
The mark of healthy spiritual life
My leanness, my leanness, woe unto me!
The world believes our conduct, and not our words!
The velvet paw of the tiger of sin!
Accepted patterns of behavior prevalent in society and in the professing church
He shall bring forth from us the sweet music!
You will make no advance in the divine life!
Be holy in every aspect of your life
The image and reflection of Christ!
The right way for a Christian to live
The constant tenor and spirit of our lives
The old man is not sent to the hospital
Why do you not obey Him in all things?
Remember that you are a king's son!
Two precious jewels glittering side by side
Here is a prohibition and an admonition
An utter and entire war of extermination!
A boy growing up in a home of poverty
Those vipers die at the sight of Christ!
Without holiness, no man shall see the Lord.
How shall I follow in His steps?
One of the sure results of living by faith
Let me joyfully be a hewer of wood, or a drawer of water!
A great and noble army of holy women
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Grace Gems
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