The very best place to get the transformed, transfigured life!

(J.R. Miller, "The Shining Light" 1911)

We need to remember that this world is not so much a place for doing Christian ministries — as for developing Christly character.

Household life is not primarily a sphere for cooking, keeping things tidy, sweeping and dusting, nursing and training of children, hospitable entertainment of friends, and the thousand things that must be done each day. It is a sphere for transforming women's souls into radiant Christly beauty!

The shop, the mill, the factory, the store, the office, the farm — are not primarily places for making machines, selling goods, weaving cloths, building engines, and growing crops. They are, first of all, places for making Christly men, and building holy character.

Right in the midst of what some people call drudgery — is the very best place to get the transformed, transfigured life!

"God who has saved us and called us to a holy life" 2 Timothy 1:9