The road by which the Spirit leads God's children!

Other Baals!

Thank God for hiding the future

The one game most universally played!!

On our learning this lesson depends our comforting walk heavenward!

Tom Thumbs in grace!

My needs—His resources

A rich man and a beggar

Strewing flowers on a dead corpse!

The difference between the godly and the ungodly

The star of the show!

Poor, miserable, paltry works of a polluted worm!

There is no efficacy in the tongues of dogs to lick away sin!

But read on

The Beatitudes

Some beloved idol?

I am my Beloved's—and my Beloved is mine

Strangers and pilgrims!

We fritter away days, weeks, months

Are we to fritter away our brief hour on life's stage?

Allow me to apply this subject to your hearts!

If you were to meet yourself on the street some morning

The true recipe for miserable existence

If we set before us two people

True patriotism!

What would you ask for?

The worst part of you

If my pocket was full of stones

The trifles which God gives

The way to happiness!

And scarcely anyone appears to care

David's experience

Much of the service of some so-called Christians

Satan's workshop

Sin is their mother—and these are her hateful progeny

The believer's graces

The two trees

He died--and where then?

Actions, words, desires

The dregs of old age!

The distinction between the righteous and the wicked!

What a bubble is human honor, and what a toy is human joy

He who is least in the kingdom of Heaven!

They would pass by these glittering unrealities


The Lord's people, instead of amusing themselves with politics

My politics

This is the doctrine that we preach

Like a passing scene in a drama

Throw the creature down in the dust

So much time thrown away on these elegant trifles

Make-believe religion

God has three axes!

Rules for Self Knowledge

The man who never laughs

These are the idols of the heart

Constant multiplication of corrupted copies

Two things always go together in the experience of a genuine believer

The power of habit!

When the bird of thought was let go

Three inscriptions

What can't be cured, should be endured

Why is it?

My aim and object

In a few years!

Above all else, guard your heart!

If I was qualified to search out the best Christian in the kingdom

The fool's bauble, the fool's fiddle

I would not live forever!

You never heard an Arminian prayer

The only true reformer of mankind

The absolute necessity of experimental religion!

Where is Christ in your theological system?

My child, which will you have?

A time to laugh

Here are some further sayings of the wise!

The idol of our day

It was a serpent, not a Savior—which Eve pressed to her joyful bosom

Time may be turned to good account—or it may be wasted, or misspent

When God has put His fear into our hearts

The universal principle

The flowers in the Lord's garden are not all precisely alike

Strong medicine has become needful for the nation

Do not let them become your idols!

You are the objects of the blessed Redeemer's particular care

Losses and gains

Their greatest obstacle in the way of spiritual growth and transformed character

Head, hand, heart, lip, and life

A curious meditation

Such will be their sense of justice

How, then, shall I spend this short life?

A black hellish brand plucked from the burning!


John Newton's tombstone

What is most needed today

The believer's lesson book

A heathenish habit

Life quickly glides away!

How much time is wasted

We need to be on our guard against Solomonian religion

If I had a little bucket of water!

Running here and there like ants on an anthill

Do not trifle with God

Absalom's Monument!


These are tailor-made for the flesh

A whore's forehead!

A sermon that will make the devils in Hell laugh, and the angels of God weep

If religious books are not widely circulated among the masses in this country

Sitting at the leper's table!

I take my good works and my bad works

I am chained to a dead body

Chance is a base heathenish idea!

The city was full of idols!

Above all, wait at the cross-foot

Let us abhor the very idea of play-acting and mask-wearing in our Christianity!

How many vile weeds grow there

Three words to ponder

What a volume Mr. Recorder Conscience has written already

Grow OLD sweetly and beautifully

Lopsided religion!

A subtle leaven which the heart is always ready to receive

Lord, stamp eternity on my eyeballs

When God wants to judge a nation!

Did you ever see my picture?

The acorns with which God feeds swine!

We are no better than they

It is not a Sunday religion, but a week-day lifestyle!

Two filthy rooms!

It will be a great benefit to us in every way, to learn this lesson

How much better is it to get wisdom than gold

Worse than sodomy

We are all going, going, going

Convicted and condemned, with the rope around his neck

Pilfering of another's time

There are sublime and magnificent scenes of unparalleled grandeur before us

Upon that short time, eternity depends

It would crush the highest archangel!

No book is really worth reading

True religion

He was saint as well as scholar

He would save you from disappointment, sorrow and woe

The memory

The Christian and the Theater


The happiest Christians

Not the doll nor the rattle

Therefore I will flee to my one Refuge

Think about such things

Come, friend, you too are getting old

He gives His beloved sleep

The dark dungeon of ignorance

It will make you doubly happy, even in this life

The language of the bottomless pit

Strangers and pilgrims

The whole apparatus of religion

Your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ!

Ceaseless warfare

The true secret of spiritual prosperity

Other men's sins

Religious superstitions

Take a stick, and beat every blind man he met

We should be content with His daily allowance

A diligent pupil in the College of Contentment

Two men look at the same scene:

The Drunkard's Will

This so riled them

The time is short

A flower that only grows in the garden of eternity

What is puny man in the presence of the Infinite God?

What more could they desire?

He was a constant thorn in their sides

"Who can show us any good?"

Our life is a bubble

I am chained to the chariot of rolling time!

A bubble, a shadow, a dream

Did you ever hear the dream of Gutenberg?

Do not forget all His benefits

The panacea for the world's evils

Finding happiness in a miserable world

A noble indifference

The most wicked man, the most consummate hypocrite I ever knew

Instead of lodging the lion and the leopard and the wolf

If you really want to get folks to open their wallets, you should . . .

When we eat an apple

The religionists of the day

One of the best jewels we have

Heaven has become a trifle to you, Hell is almost a jest, eternity an empty notion, and death but a bugbear!

The Gospel crucible

Morality without Christ

Lord, how can we know the way?

Mirror and fountain

It is the blood of Jesus, applied by the Spirit

Whenever we find ourselves irritated, discomposed, fretful, impatient, or wretched

Followed by the sublime realities of eternity

I am fast borne along the stream of time

Woe be to all the Philistines

The religion of sinners

It is in life's common experiences

The book of life

Hell's greatest enrichers

This little inch of time

Lawful recreations

An old countryman once gave me some good advice which I have never forgotten

Let but the trough be full—and the swine are happy


Rich in meditation—rich in grace

We are unworthy, but You are worthy

Three books

Righteousness exalts a nation

A misspent life

A natural religiosity

Should it be according to your mind?

Christians and Politics

How is it that we strive so hard to build our nest here?

A remedy for everything

What makes the children of God so strange?

The first, foremost, chief and principal things in Christianity

The great business of a Christian's life

Rules for Self-Knowledge

A diamond with a flaw—is better than a pebble without one

The King's Chambers

The Christian's dress all the week

Beautiful bubbles

Who cares for pebbles—when jewels glitter before him?

We waste far too much of our time upon trifles

Even your own relatives think you are almost insane

They hope that they shall not have two Hells

Puritan gems for the new year

Spurgeon gems for the new year

A snake, a monkey, an onion, a bit of rag

Literature, science, politics, commerce, and the arts

A fool finds pleasure in evil conduct

A life once spent, is irrevocable

My feeble hand lies in His; His omnipotent hand is clasped round mine!

The common wearisome pursuit of the worldling

That hideous idol SELF in his little shrine

His children began to hiss

Although they should spend every penny

A religion that satisfies thousands

Mere toys and baubles

Last week we had a lion in town

Strange that a harp of thousand strings, should keep in tune so long

God's hatred of sin

Without wealth, without learning, without friends

Snatched out of the very jaws of the devil


Who can tell the misery that unbelief has brought on the world

The first Christians

Alas! Who can conceive what it is to lie down in everlasting burnings?

O, give thanks to the Lord

Weaned from feeding on husks and ashes

Why are we so apt to be captivated with the gewgaws of the world?

He has some secret source of happiness

The rich man and Lazarus

I would refer it back to Him again

A religious animal

If God had left me alone


The sweetest and the loudest note in our songs of praise should be . . .

One of the remarkable things about growth in grace

And yet upon this short time

Creature comforts

A dead dog sinner

Sick of SIN, sick of SELF, sick of the WORLD

Christian Recreation and Unchristian Amusement

Canaanitish idols and heathenish abominations

A spiritual instinct


The bulk of my congregation were burglars, highway robbers, pickpockets, and poor unhappy prostitutes

Never have I been so sensible

The epithet employed to designate the character of God's people

The things which men despise

Old fossils unsuited to the present times

What are all the gilded toys of time?

Herod's birthday ball!

People are universally deceived

What stupid blockheads

Motes and beams!

Riches, honors, and comforts

The boy who had died

One year nearer to Heaven—or nearer to Hell

But why should I be unhappy?

Only a broken heart

Riches and Poverty

Happiness lies in the heart, rather than in the purse

You have not passed this way before

The Lord hears your grumblings which you grumble against Him

My New Testament Joseph!

A human religion

Give Me your heart

Is that all?

Hate Jesus

Having nothing—yet possessing all things

The 'stream of time', with all the trifles that float on it

O what a way of learning religion

The largest slice of the well-sugared cake

A mere cloak which covered a heart full of unclean lusts

He writes my sins on the sand

Whoever complains of seasons and weather

There is nothing here but a bit of glass

Does God hear when we grumble about the weather?

The ordinary life of every Christian!

Every-day mercies

It is a fact of life

Paul's wise theory of life

False religion 

There are more lies told at funerals

The sin of killing time

I have been crawling many years on the road to Zion

The last day of the year

Oh, do not waste life

If we had God's power

The seeds of every sin are latent in our hearts

Three things which he dared not think of

He preached only a few months

Does Islam Inevitably Lead to Violence?


Forty Scripture Directions

The transcendent excellency divine wisdom


Toys and playthings of the religious babyhouse!

It is a broken-backed snake

A bad word

My desire is . . .

The cry of weary, care worn humanity

Moving shadows

Job's religion

What is this? What is this cry that we hear?

One of the best tests of growth in grace

Nothing but a huge clod of dust

Coming up from the wilderness

Harder to tame than wild beasts

Those poor stupid people

How would you judge the lawfulness or unlawfulness of any pleasure?

"God bless us."

The deeper the work of grace

Giving thanks always and for everything

Vile thieves

The Power of Habit


To eat to the glory of God

A shelf in my head

One throw of the dice and the great game of life is lost

Let my life be filled, packed and crammed

The first drunkard

Set your minds on things above

A religious man?

Ah! the heart was wrong, and therefore everything was wrong

What a contrast

December 31, 1855

 And will you murmur?

I needed no monkish rules then

Piety and morality

Thanksgiving is never out of season

In everything give thanks

A New Year's Resolution 

The greatest plagues of mankind

Cracked cisterns

O for a thankful heart

Thirst again?

The sands of life are quickly running out

We reason ourselves into all kinds of folly and misery

It was not sects, or creeds, or doctrines, or churches, or ecclesiastical organizations


There are three things that earthly riches can never do

Opinions? Theology? Religion?

I remember two things

Reader, are you taught of God?

Empty bubbles

The religion which I want

The foulest filth under the cleanest cloak

A brilliant folly

Solving the great problem of fretful,
careworn, restless, suffering humanity

Whatever we have over-loved

Such hopes are highly pleasing to the devil

A fictitious god

The sacred ointment

The lever which has turned the world upside down

The sin of blasphemy!

Unworthy of an idiot

A most difficult science

The glittering toys of life

A holy man

Romantic dreams of pleasure and earthly joy

The empty, oilless, flameless lamp

The theater

This rocking-horse type of spiritual life

It is better to be deaf

Christ enjoyed

Every Christian's Testimony

The study of prophecy 


Inventors of elaborate schemes of prophecy

A bad book is a big thief!

The greatest problem we face as a nation is . . .

The wisest arithmetic

A far-off Hell is the dread of no man

A canary and a goldfish

Deeply and painfully saddening

There is no darker sin than ingratitude

Human guidance

The pig

The Utilitarian Christ

Selfish Religion

Christians don't tell lies


The slanderer The backbiter

Bubbles on life's ocean

The great clock of eternity has only just begun to tick

Their hearts were devoted to their idols!

Either God or they must change

Avoid the world's religion

Books and magazines

At last to cheat the devil

I hate buttermilk

She had often been cautioned against sliding down by the rail

The consummate April Fool

They are not too young to go to hell

Experimental conformity to the image of Christ

The Christliest life

Do not forget

Life's hours

Our own amusement

Greek, Latin, and Hebrew

Separation from the world's religion

This is just the difference between the Christian and the worldling

What is the best remedy against the fear of man?

Sentenced to Hell by this one Scripture

Nothing more quickly or truly indicates an irreverent and undevout mind

The flaming scimitar of the Sultan

Let this little sentence be continually before the eyes of our minds

Seeing that we deserve nothing—we should be content with, and thankful for anything


Puckered sewing

The fountain of holy living

Timeless Principles for Fruitful Christian Living

I shall forget all the toils of my journey


Holy ground

Damned by being self-righteous

The Jewelry of the Bible

Pilgrims and strangers!

The silly fish

Living upon Christ

It is unwise to try to carry next week's burdens today

This is the last evening of the year

These fugitive, transitory things

The devil's holiday dress to deceive men's souls

Consider a few contrasts between them

The hope of the hypocrite

Solemn and heart searching questions

And what is his religion but vanity

The religious world


Trivial pursuits

A history of fools

The tyrant of the soul

The world's religion

The only effectual means for reforming mankind!

Let me see your tongue

Spurgeon's Thanksgiving Gems

Puritan Thanksgiving Gems

Fear of God—or man?

I may express all my complaints in one short sentence

Mr. Cox's Museum

For every look at self

A rare plant

Everything you had struggled to gain

True spiritual life

This age of shams

Please quit acting spiritual

The best way to spend your leisure time

Brethren, we have two faults

Honey out of the Rock

My last words shall be

Could you grasp the world like an orange

Oh what earthly honors can be compared to these

I will not be so covetous as to hope for two Heavens

Whatever opinion men may hold concerning the principles of Christ

David Dickson

If My people

What man needs

Our secrets sins

Two books

The voyage of life

Moral and spiritual parasites

Morality will keep you out of jail

Many unruly and vain talkers

Christian recreation

Christian recreation

Who were these 144,000?

The white devil

Who would have imagined


My creed


Unwholesome talk

The happy secret of retaining our mercies

The Devil's Delusion!

Touched by an Angel, or a Devil?

My only causes of complaint

Wilt Thou pursue Thy worm to death


The Hell Fire Club!

To attempt to murder this infant, is Deicide

The greatest religious deception this world has ever known

Christian Terrorism

Samson's riddle unriddled

A comfortable nest for us

Is it well with you?

Levity of spirit

Selfish Religion

The world's theology

Richard Baxter's Guide To The Value Of A Book

The sum of my complaints amounts to this

Are you serious?

Oramuzes' happiness egg

More than a Calvinist

Unquestionably unacceptable and dishonoring to God!

For what purpose is this sacred music performed?

Wholly taken up with contriving methods of amusing themselves!

Like a rock

A system of religious pauperism

The 'play room' of the soul

Which is the best apple tree in the garden?

Oh what a glorious God is ours

A bubble that rises, and shines, and bursts

Small progress in holiness


What Is Experiential Theology?

Wonderful are the effects when a crucified, glorious Savior is presented

Unbelief is not simply an infirmity of fallen human nature

The Almighty paid no attention to him, of course

Be thankful in all circumstances!

Your worst days & your best days


The prayer of Agur

One Day at a Time!

A Star

In wondrous contrast—and yet with consistent harmony

Worry—or preparation

The secret of Spurgeon's preaching...


I would not make my ear into a common sewer, for all the wealth in the world

Man's greatest happiness

O for a thankful heart

Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift

Some have already split upon the rocks of Atheism

Mohammed may conquer by the sword

A certain woman once called upon her clergyman to tell him how distressed her mind was

Can Hollywood and Holiness co-exist?

Profession and Hypocrisy

No sin can be little

Complaining Christian

Psalm 37

Christian liberty

The Palm Tree

Some things to meditate on daily

Are the Sabbath laws binding on Christians today?

The Passion of Christ movie

Ten Technological Traps


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