You have not passed this way before!
(J.R. Miller, "The Shining Light" 1911)
"You have not passed this way before!" Joshua 3:4
All of life is new. There is not a step of it of which it may not be said to us: "You have not passed this way before." Every day's path is new to each one of us.
We say that our life is only dull routine. We rise each morning to go through the same round we went through yesterday. We walk along the same roads every day for years. Life seems to us to have no variety.
Yet really each day is new and peculiar. We do not know what experiences it will bring to us . . .
what new joys or sorrows,
what new struggles,
what new responsibilities,
what new revealings,
what new duties.
Each morning the voice of God whispers to us: "You have not passed this way before!"
"So teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12