Spurgeon gems for the new year!

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"Every moment of the year is another step toward your eternal destiny—tread it wisely."

"Time is a golden gift—waste not a single hour in trifling pursuits."

"Let the new year's resolution be this: More of Christ in every thought, word and deed."

"God's mercies are fresh each day, each moment."

"A year is but a drop in the ocean of eternity; live it for the One who loved you, and gave Himself for you."

"The past year's sins are forgiven; let the new year's path be trod in righteousness."

"The year's opening is a call to fresh consecration—dedicate it all to Christ."

"Resolve this year to be rich in faith—not in earthly treasures."

"Each year's dawn is an opportunity to leave behind whatever hinders us in the heavenly race, and press on toward the goal to win the prize."

"In God's calendar, the year is not measured by worldly success, but by faithfulness."

"The year's first step must be taken with Christ—or the path will lead astray."

"The clock's tick is a summons to holy diligence—heed it, for time is short."

"The year's joys are sweetest, when shared with Christ as your dearest Friend."

"A year lived for pleasure of profit is a year lost; a year lived for Christ is eternal gain."

"God's faithfulness has kept you through the past year. His promises shall keep you in the year to come."

"Begin the year with gratitude for mercies past, and hope for blessings yet to come."

"The year's trials are God's chisels, shaping you for eternal glory."

"The year's path is unknown, but our Guide is sure—trust Him fully."

"Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." Ephesians 5:15-16

"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12