If we set before us two people
(Charles Simeon) LISTEN to Audio! Download Audio
The fear of God is the essential part of true wisdom. As Solomon has said, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding!" Proverbs 9:10
However this wisdom may be reputed as folly by the ungodly world, and considered as an indication of a disordered mind—it most assuredly enlarges the understanding, and elevates its possessor above his fellows. Yes, and above others also, who in natural capacity, and in literary attainments, are far his superiors!
The fear of God, if I may so say, opens a new world to him in whom it is found!
If we set before us two people, one uneducated, and the other well-versed in arts and sciences—we would suppose, of course, that there can be no comparison between the two in point of learning. And this is true, so far as earthly knowledge is concerned.
But let the uneducated man be abounding in divine wisdom, and actuated by the fear of God—and he will have a far more accurate understanding of reality, than the man of learning has ever attained!
The mere worldly man, in his estimate of things, keeps eternity out of view.
But the man who is taught by God, views things in their true light—even as God Himself views them; and he speaks of them in accordance with the representation given of them in the Inspired Volume. The principle of piety which is implanted in his soul, has corrected and rectified his judgment!
If the conversation of these two men were recorded for the space of one hour—we would be astonished at the mass of error contained in the learned man; while truth and reality pervaded the pious man!
A man filled with divine wisdom, has within himself an entirely new standard whereby to judge of truth and to regulate his life!
"Your commands make me wiser than my enemies, for they are ever with me!"
"I have more insight than all my teachers, for I meditate on Your statutes!"
"I have more understanding than the elders, for I obey Your precepts!"Psalm 119:98-100
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We have published Grace Gems for FEBRUARY 2024 in one file.