I may express all my complaints in one short sentence
(John Newton's Letters)
My recent journey was very pleasant - but I ought to wish that it was profitable. I have had long experience how little I am able to improve by the most desirable advantages - and how little I am affected by a combination of the greatest mercies.
I may express all my complaints in one short sentence: "I am a poor creature!"
And all my hopes and comforts may be summed up as briefly, by saying: "I have a rich and gracious Savior!"
Full as I am in myself of inconsistencies and conflicts - I have in Him, a measure of peace. He found me in a waste howling wilderness - and He redeemed me from the house of misery and bondage. And though I have been ungrateful and perverse - He has not yet forsaken me - and never will. He is able to hold even me up - to pity, support and supply me to the end of life.
How suitable a Savior! He is made all things to those who have nothing - and is engaged to help those who can do nothing."Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost, those who come to God through Him - since He always lives to make intercession for them!" Hebrews 7:25