Wonder, O heavens, and be astonished, O earthI choose to suffer Your wrath in their place
All the angels in Heaven could not count the mighty sum!
The heaviest load which Jesus had to sustain!
Obnoxious to God, corrupt and abominable!
Jesus Christ is completely sufficient
That unclean donkey is yourself!
O what a melting consideration is this
And WHY, dear Savior—tell me why?
Four facts about the love of God
My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?
We must know all the glories of Heaven and the horrors of Hell!
Whom would we suppose to be the objects of His wrath and vengeance?
O how strange—that God should love a worm, a dung-hill worm!
The divine magnet that draws with irresistible force, hearts of steel
The infinite ocean of Christ's love!
Who is this amazing spectacle of woe and torture?
How wide, how long, how high, and how deep!
The most matchless exhibition of mercy—and the most terrific exhibition of holy wrath
The boundless mercy of our Redeemer!
O the wonders couched in electing love
Your everlasting treasure and your unchangeable Friend
God's love displayed in the salvation of His people!
He was infinitely happy and glorious without us!
He cannot love you more—and He will not love you less!
Turn aside and see this great sight
Looking at the world through the cross!
O sad spectacle of misery, grief, and woe!
Your salvation makes amends for all His sufferings
What could more emphatically prove His love?
Can Jesus delight in such worms?
How astonishing is all of this!
These scars are the memorials of the fight
It was not human misery,but divine love!
Nothing less than a LIVING Christ will do for us!
For you, a vile sinner, a rebel worm
The sword of His pure, infinite and incensed wrath
God's love displayed in the salvation of His people!
The journey which our Divine Lover took
Not a loving worm, not a living worm
A beloved child—watched over, cared for, supplied, and defended by your Lord
Evil chapters in your 'life story'
All this I have done for you—do you love Me?
If our faith stops at the cross!
Who could have conceived of the Eternal One as bursting forth into a song?
What a pavilion of comfort is this
I cannot think little of sin, when . . .
Love bound Him to the cross and held Him there
A family of such vile, polluted, and wretched beings
Yes, indeed, this is the wonder of wonders, the miracle of miracles
How wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love is
Make us 'clods of earth' into 'stars of glory'
It was the golden link of love
May you know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge
And to what is this astonishing change to be ascribed?
What an amazing stoop of love is that!
How great the evil of sin must be!
He will bruise His darling Son!
O what a melting consideration is this
The more vile Christ made Himself for us
You are absolutely beautiful, My beloved
The infinite tenderness of Jesus
The dull, and the slow, and the stupid, and the doubting
The gentleness of Jesus in His dealings with us every step of the way
This baffles all comprehension!
Can this be—for such a vile wretch like me?
He it was who suffered a shameful and cruel death at the hands of His own creatures
Never did God appear more glorious!
Humbling, cheering, sanctifying, restraining
Ah, here it is that I am most at fault
Love suffering, and bleeding, and expiring
He gave so much that He could give no more
A bottomless, boundless, endless ocean
A sea of blood, wrath, sin, sorrow, misery
He is my Beloved, my Shepherd, my Savior and my Husband!
Surely there could be no truer picture taken of Jesus
Puritan Gems on the Mystery, Wonder and Love of Christ's Incarnation!
What a delightful and astonishing thought it is
He determined to go to Jerusalem
If you meet that poor wretch who thrust his spear into My side!
He loved them to the uttermost
He groaned, bled, and died for you
Nothing but this can really break the sinner's heart
The redeeming love of Jesus for His people
A friend whose door is always open
Time for taunt, and insult, and cruelty
Eternal abhorrence—infinite love
Surely there was no more royal moment in all of Christ's life
The most eloquent mouths that ever spoke
We have actually out-sinned thousands
It is no no wonder that they were so dejected
When Christ finds the wandering sinner
The full ocean of never-failing delight and satisfaction
When that monster of a man hung
All to save you from wrath to come
The precious Sufferer on that middle cross
Such poor, depraved, insignificant creatures!
The knife which killed her husband
We allow our hearts to be captured by the idol of idols
The outpouring of the everlasting wrath of God
Behold His precious Gift transfixed to it
As white as the lily—and as red as the rose
So fathomless, boundless, and inexhaustible
The astonishing, the marvelous love
I see a Cross on the Hill of Reproach
Sharper scourges tear His heart
What sorrow, what sweetness, what glory
Unfathomable Unsearchable Unmeasurable
The wrath of God due to them fell upon Him
Pride cannot live beneath the cross
Truly, there is no love like Christ's
The infinite tenderness of Jesus
He sits on the calm throne of eternal serenity
It was His own love that fastened Him there
The Creator of the universe sleeps in a woman's arms!
Fall down in reverent astonishment
Pavilioned within His living, loving heart
We see hands, and feet and side—all distilling crimson streams of precious blood
The more Christ has suffered for us
That love will eternally embrace you
The greatest liar, thief, adulterer and murderer
He had to borrow whatever He needed
Degrees and varieties of grace
A horrible and shocking thing is done!
Remaining enmity, sin, and ungodliness
The most amazing, most affecting, most melting sight that mortals ever witnessed!
You cannot weary nor wear Him out
It is your Husband who hangs bleeding there
Unequaled, unparalleled, and unsurpassed
A particular, personal, special love
God bought you with a very high price!
See that frightful looking gash
He took us, and loved us, and married us
The sympathetic love of the Incarnate God
The flaming sword of justice quenched in the holy, loving bosom of Jesus
To redeem lost and helpless sinners!
Eternally repose your weary soul in the bosom of Jesus
What a boundless, fathomless ocean
He sees the nails and spear in every iniquity
The Preciousness of God's Children
O hard heart, O blind eyes, O poor dull sluggish soul!
Get this thought into your head
The solitary object of His love
The unsearchable riches of Christ
What could move His heart towards us?
The infinite tenderness of Jesus!
Though we have been robbers, traitors and murderers
What a family has He to bear with
One tremendous draught of love
The Creator of all worlds in tears
The Infinite becomes an infant
The infinite ocean of Christ's love
Love suffering, and bleeding, and expiring
A special, personal, distinguishing love
Consider what Christ is to you
Our merciful, compassionate Christ
Not earthly gold, or pearls, or diamonds
Happy here, and happy to all eternity
Jesus enriches His bride with gifts
Oh, what a loving, gentle, skillful healer is Jesus
One everlasting memorial of anguish and suffering
The Creator of the universe sleeps in a woman's arms
We will wear crowns of life and glory
Our world would have been one continuous Hell
An actual, living, personal Friend
That was more than His holy soul could bear
He gave His entire self for us!
Holy amazement at His unspeakable love
Christian, shall I tell you a secret?
Things that even the angels desire to look into
He justifies us—but we condemn Him
Oh, what a mystery of humility—what a mystery of condescension and love
Oh heart, heart, what are you?
He created the tree upon which He was to die!
I sometimes wish that I could have seen Him on the Cross
The constraining love of Jesus
Have we nothing to give to Christ?
A special, personal, distinguishing love
Put to death by His own creatures
When He discovers repulsive things in us
He was crushed for our iniquities
The greatest expression of His inexpressible love
Eternal love, infinite wisdom, boundless power
He loves you with all His infinite heart
What influence should the gifts of God have upon our hearts
Filled with the red wine of righteous wrath
Behold the incarnate God bowed in grief
Everything to charm and rejoice and satisfy the heart
What beauty have we that the King can desire?
A Compassionate High Priest and a Throne of Grace
There is no friend like Christ
The most beautiful thing I ever heard of
All glory to the gospel of Free Grace
God's strong love for his children
A more vile and unlovely thing!
The love of Christ which surpasses knowledge!
Who am I that God should be so mindful of me?
From the fullness of His grace
Like a little child in the arms of eternal love
We do not know which to wonder the most at
If you want to see what sin really is
May our thoughts seldom wander secret
How kind and merciful Christ is to dull and slow believers
Infinite, boundless, fathomless, endless love
Pray our Beloved to print the image of His bleeding self upon the tablets of our hearts
We so imperfectly read the engravings of His heart
Bliss beyond what the angels know!
Think of the cross, the nails, the open wounds, the anguish of His soul
The love that surpasses knowledge
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Grace Gems
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