Wonder, O heavens, and be astonished, O earth

Who could have thought!

An ocean of consolation!

View Him yonder!

I choose to suffer Your wrath in their place

All the angels in Heaven could not count the mighty sum!

The heaviest load which Jesus had to sustain!

Obnoxious to God, corrupt and abominable!

Jesus Christ is completely sufficient

That unclean donkey is yourself!

My Shepherd

O what a melting consideration is this

An infallible test

And WHY, dear Savior—tell me why?

Four facts about the love of God

My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?

We must know all the glories of Heaven and the horrors of Hell!

The Suffering Servant!

Whom would we suppose to be the objects of His wrath and vengeance?

His Love!

O how strange—that God should love a worm, a dung-hill worm!

The divine magnet that draws with irresistible force, hearts of steel



The infinite ocean of Christ's love!

Who is this amazing spectacle of woe and torture?

How wide, how long, how high, and how deep!

An infinite love

The most matchless exhibition of mercy—and the most terrific exhibition of holy wrath

Behold the Emperor of Woe!

The cup of wrath

The boundless mercy of our Redeemer!

He left Heaven for us

Of all the volumes that were ever written—this volume, printed in crimson upon the pure, lily-like flesh of Christ, is the best to read

The value of Christ

Would you see what sin is?

O the wonders couched in electing love

Your everlasting treasure and your unchangeable Friend

God's love displayed in the salvation of His people!

The Lamb's bride!

Jesus bore my eternal wrath


He was infinitely happy and glorious without us!

He cannot love you more—and He will not love you less!

Turn aside and see this great sight

Looking at the world through the cross!

We should behold our adorable Savior with the deepest humiliation, for having occasioned Him such anguish!

Is it possible?

O sad spectacle of misery, grief, and woe!

Everyone had a home, but Him 

Your salvation makes amends for all His sufferings

What could more emphatically prove His love?

Can Jesus delight in such worms?

Tender kisses

How astonishing is all of this!

These scars are the memorials of the fight

It was not human misery,but divine love!

Nothing less than a LIVING Christ will do for us!

For you, a vile sinner, a rebel worm

The sword of His pure, infinite and incensed wrath

He drank it up—every drop

Reader, go near to that cross

O Wonder of wonders

God's love displayed in the salvation of His people!

The journey which our Divine Lover took

Not a loving worm, not a living worm

The picture of agonizing love

A beloved childwatched over, cared for, supplied, and defended by your Lord

Evil chapters in your 'life story'

Calvary's stupendous scene

All this I have done for you—do you love Me?

For His poor Rachel

If our faith stops at the cross!

Who could have conceived of the Eternal One as bursting forth into a song?

What a pavilion of comfort is this

I cannot think little of sin, when . . .

Such a friend

Love bound Him to the cross and held Him there

A family of such vile, polluted, and wretched beings

The great Sympathizer

Christ took your cup

Yes, indeed, this is the wonder of wonders, the miracle of miracles

How wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love is

The soul of His sufferings

The Divine Philanthropist

She is ugly

You will find no bottom!

Our Maker becomes our Husband

Make us 'clods of earth' into 'stars of glory'

It was the golden link of love

Divine logic

May you know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge

And to what is this astonishing change to be ascribed?

My Ishi

Man sins—and God dies

The kingship of Christ

What an amazing stoop of love is that!

Jesus came leaping

At the cross

How great the evil of sin must be!

Galatians 1:4

He will bruise His darling Son!

O what a melting consideration is this

The more vile Christ made Himself for us

These scars

You are absolutely beautiful, My beloved

There is no spot in you

Why does He love me?

And there He hung

The infinite tenderness of Jesus

The song of the Lamb!


The scars of the saints

The dull, and the slow, and the stupid, and the doubting

The gentleness of Jesus in His dealings with us every step of the way

This baffles all comprehension!

Christ is our pelican

Christ is our Jonah

Can this be—for such a vile wretch like me?

The sacrifice of Himself

He it was who suffered a shameful and cruel death at the hands of His own creatures

Behold Him

Never did God appear more glorious!


Humbling, cheering, sanctifying, restraining

By the hand of His own Father

Ah, here it is that I am most at fault

The cup

O Divine Lover

Love suffering, and bleeding, and expiring

He gave so much that He could give no more

The sacrifice of Himself

A bottomless, boundless, endless ocean

A sea of blood, wrath, sin, sorrow, misery

He is my Beloved, my Shepherd, my Savior and my Husband!

My cruel sins

Surely there could be no truer picture taken of Jesus

Puritan Gems on the Mystery, Wonder and Love of Christ's Incarnation!

Christian, think about this

So mighty—yet so loving

What a delightful and astonishing thought it is

He determined to go to Jerusalem

It is utterly impossible

If you meet that poor wretch who thrust his spear into My side!

O the love of His royal heart

He loved them to the uttermost

He groaned, bled, and died for you

Nothing but this can really break the sinner's heart

How dear we are to Christ

Oh the immensity of the gift

I need just such a friend

One drop of redeeming love!

The redeeming love of Jesus for His people

A friend whose door is always open

What a mine of daily comfort

Time for taunt, and insult, and cruelty

Eternal abhorrence—infinite love

Does God really care for us?

Surely there was no more royal moment in all of Christ's life

The endless, blissful theme

Oh stand and wonder

He leaps into a sea of wrath

The most eloquent mouths that ever spoke

From those deep wounds

We have actually out-sinned thousands

Wonderful mystery

It is no no wonder that they were so dejected

When Christ finds the wandering sinner

Our sins forged the nails!

You are precious in My sight

If our hearts are not rocks

This I cannot understand

My jewels!

For me

This cross is heavy to bear

Just give me Jesus

For you

All for you

The full ocean of never-failing delight and satisfaction

When that monster of a man hung

Immortal scars

The Bridegroom's love

The perfect husband

All to save you from wrath to come

The precious Sufferer on that middle cross

The fullness of His grace

An almighty personal Friend

Feel My bleeding heart

Such poor, depraved, insignificant creatures!

To a vile Magdalene

Why me, Lord?

The knife which killed her husband

At the cross

Suffering, groaning, dying

Yours Mine


Oh, be ravished with this

The only saint He ever loved

We allow our hearts to be captured by the idol of idols

A melting consideration

The outpouring of the everlasting wrath of God

Shall I not drink it?

The true spiritual Atlas

God's Jewels

Behold His precious Gift transfixed to it

As white as the lily—and as red as the rose

So fathomless, boundless, and inexhaustible

This heavenly magnet

The astonishing, the marvelous love

For me a worm

It was not the nails

I see a Cross on the Hill of Reproach

Our best Friend

I am astonished

Sharper scourges tear His heart

What sorrow, what sweetness, what glory

Unfathomable Unsearchable Unmeasurable

The wrath of God due to them fell upon Him

My jewels

Pride cannot live beneath the cross

Truly, there is no love like Christ's

The infinite tenderness of Jesus

He sits on the calm throne of eternal serenity

It was His own love that fastened Him there

The place called Calvary

The Creator of the universe sleeps in a woman's arms!

Fall down in reverent astonishment

Pavilioned within His living, loving heart

The last dreg of wrath

We see hands, and feet and side—all distilling crimson streams of precious blood

The more Christ has suffered for us

That love will eternally embrace you

The greatest liar, thief, adulterer and murderer

He had to borrow whatever He needed

Degrees and varieties of grace

A horrible and shocking thing is done!

Because he loved her

Remaining enmity, sin, and ungodliness

How astonishing the sight

The most amazing, most affecting, most melting sight that mortals ever witnessed!

You cannot weary nor wear Him out

Unquenched, unquenchable!

The Good Shepherd

Walking dirt?

Your treasure

Intense Mysterious Vicarious

His own Father

It is your Husband who hangs bleeding there

Unequaled, unparalleled, and unsurpassed

A particular, personal, special love

God bought you with a very high price!


Such love cannot be described


Better than wine

Christ's Love to Poor Sinners

See that frightful looking gash

He took us, and loved us, and married us

He became poor

The sympathetic love of the Incarnate God

Nestle beneath His soft wing

He could not love you more

The flaming sword of justice quenched in the holy, loving bosom of Jesus

To redeem lost and helpless sinners!

Eternally repose your weary soul in the bosom of Jesus

What a boundless, fathomless ocean

He sees the nails and spear in every iniquity

The wedding feast

The Almighty is a weak babe

This hateful, hated idol

The Preciousness of God's Children

O hard heart, O blind eyes, O poor dull sluggish soul!

Get this thought into your head

The ocean of Divine love

Oh, the height Oh the depth

They are the Lamb's wife

The Sympathy of Christ

Hoarded up for worms

The solitary object of His love

How astonishing it is

The unsearchable riches of Christ

What could move His heart towards us?

The Voice....

The infinite tenderness of Jesus!

See that cross

The cup

Though we have been robbers, traitors and murderers

God on a cross

The Master Coal Heaver

What a family has He to bear with

What are those wounds?

The love God has for us

My Beloved

The Good Shepherd

One tremendous draught of love

Look Look


The Creator of all worlds in tears

The Infinite becomes an infant

Picture Him

The infinite ocean of Christ's love

He came

That matchless death

Love suffering, and bleeding, and expiring

A special, personal, distinguishing love

Consider what Christ is to you

I saw One hanging on a tree


An unfailing friend

Our merciful, compassionate Christ

Not earthly gold, or pearls, or diamonds

What school shall I go to?

Mercy surpassing all wonders

Happy here, and happy to all eternity

In love

Your native air...

God SO loved

The Melody of the Cross

God on a cross

Jesus enriches His bride with gifts

The price

He became poor

Oh, what a loving, gentle, skillful healer is Jesus

One everlasting memorial of anguish and suffering

The awful tragedy of Calvary

The Creator of the universe sleeps in a woman's arms


The cause of all His anguish

What more could he offer?

There on the bloody tree

We will wear crowns of life and glory


Our world would have been one continuous Hell

Can Christ love one like me?

God so loved the world

My jewels

An actual, living, personal Friend

Drive the nail of the cross

The Cross

How much you have been loved

Do you see Him yonder?

That was more than His holy soul could bear

He gave His entire self for us!

Mamma, kiss me

I am a wayward foolish child

He lived poor and died poor

O man, plunge into this river

The dying love of the Lamb

A love surpassing thought

Holy amazement at His unspeakable love

Christian, shall I tell you a secret?

Things that even the angels desire to look into

He justifies us—but we condemn Him

Oh, what a mystery of humility—what a mystery of condescension and love

Oh heart, heart, what are you?

Mighty love

Perpetual love

The love of Christ

Jesus leaped into the sea

He created the tree upon which He was to die!

A statue of a stone lamb

I sometimes wish that I could have seen Him on the Cross

For you!

The constraining love of Jesus

Have we nothing to give to Christ?

A special, personal, distinguishing love

The love of God to his people

Murdered by human sin

Put to death by His own creatures

To love a worm

When He discovers repulsive things in us

The gift

He was crushed for our iniquities

Objects of divine love

The greatest expression of His inexpressible love

The golden link of love?

Eternal love, infinite wisdom, boundless power

Deluged with love

Beloved by Jesus

He loves you with all His infinite heart


The unseen Friend

What influence should the gifts of God have upon our hearts

The infinite love of Christ

Filled with the red wine of righteous wrath

Behold the incarnate God bowed in grief

Christ made sin

This is my Friend!


Grasp the thought

Why the Cross?

Had one of those holy angels

Everything to charm and rejoice and satisfy the heart

That Mystery of Love

A fiery furnace of love

Loved before time

What beauty have we that the King can desire?

Married to a jealous husband

The never-failing friend

I will love them FREELY

The amazing love of God

A Compassionate High Priest and a Throne of Grace


Written in illegible letters

There is no friend like Christ

The sweet school of love

You are greatly loved


The most beautiful thing I ever heard of

It is astonishing

For Sinners Only

What Omnipotence cannot do...

Bands of everlasting love


All glory to the gospel of Free Grace


God's strong love for his children


The consolations of Christ


Unsearchable riches

A more vile and unlovely thing!

The love of Christ which surpasses knowledge!

His pardoning love


Eternal love

It is finished

Who am I that God should be so mindful of me?

From the fullness of His grace

God actually loves us

Like a little child in the arms of eternal love

The sweetest music...

The typical goat?

Persevering love...

Cheerful, dutiful, and holy

Oh what magnificence of love

How He has loved you

The axle

We do not know which to wonder the most at

Precious in His sight...

If you want to see what sin really is


Immutable love

A real friend

Mystery of love


How He has loved us?

May our thoughts seldom wander secret

How kind and merciful Christ is to dull and slow believers

MY sins

Infinite, boundless, fathomless, endless love

The pardoning mouth

Pray our Beloved to print the image of His bleeding self upon the tablets of our hearts

Yes, all for you

If the secret must be told

The agony in Gethsemane

Open Sesame


He drank it all up


The universal solvent


The Precious Blood of Christ

We so imperfectly read the engravings of His heart

A great hospital

Bliss beyond what the angels know!

Think of the cross, the nails, the open wounds, the anguish of His soul

The bosom of His eternal love

The bosom of Jesus

His master-purpose

The love that surpasses knowledge

The most precious thing in heaven or earth


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