The gentleness of Jesus in His dealings with us every step of the way
(Thomas Moor, "Counsels and Thoughts for the Spiritual Life of Believers" 1882)
"Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30
His hand is a gentle one, though it be a mighty one-for to us, it is the once pierced hand of Jesus. The gentleness of Jesus is as much a feature of His character as His love. It is because He loves so much, that He is so gentle in His dealings with His people. No mother can lead her darling child so gently, or watch its path so carefully, or stoop to do such lowly acts for its well-being-as our Jesus leads, and watches over, and works for His people.
Adversity often finds rough voices and unfriendly conduct where least expected, but it always meets with gentleness in Jesus. Those whose eyes are often blinded by affliction's tears-best know how gently the gentle hand of the Lord Jesus can wipe sorrow's tears away. More glorious is omnipotence in wiping those tears away, than in the creation of a universe!
It is the glory of omnipotence to be gentle.
It is the sweetness of majesty to condescend.
It is the beauty of love to walk in lowliness and uplift the fallen.
Hearts wounded by disappointed hopes, by misplaced confidence, by harsh treatment-ever meet with sweet solace and soothing consolation in the gentleness of Jesus.
When the believer's feet have slipped and he has fallen into sin, fellow-Christians may speak harshly, and upbraid and condemn-but the returning wanderer always meets with gentleness in Jesus. Love never hesitates, and can never stoop too low to multiply the comforts and the joys of the beloved one.
Psalm 18:35, "Your gentleness has made me great," for it has raised me up from sin and shame, from sorrow and despair.
How low our Jesus stooped-let Bethlehem, and Gethsemane, and Calvary tell.
He still stoops low, for He comes down to our lowly walk and our little needs to be our daily companion, and to multiply our daily blessings. And when our lowly walk on earth is over, and from the light of glory we contemplate the path of our earthly pilgrimage-among the many manifestations of love then made clear, will be seen the gentleness of Jesus in His dealings with us every step of the way.