Jesus bore my eternal wrath!
Various authors
(You will find it helpful to LISTEN to the Audio, as you READ the text below.)
John 13:1, "Having loved His own who were in the world, He now showed them the full extent of His love."
Romans 4:25, "He was delivered over to death for our sins"
Romans 5:8, "While we were still sinners, Christ died for us"
Ephesians 5:2, "Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us"
1 Peter 2:24, "He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree"
Christian! When the Savior was bleeding and suffering on the sin-atoning cross--He specifically thought of you! He particularly bore the Father's wrath for your sins!
As Jesus hung on the cross, suffering infinitely beyond what we can comprehend, He was dying for you. Every nail driven into His hands and feet, was for your redemption. Every drop of blood He shed, was to cleanse you from your sin.
The eternal wrath that would have fallen upon you, was poured out on Jesus instead.
Imagine standing at the foot of the cross, looking up at the suffering sin-atoning Savior, His blood pouring out, and His face twisted in agony. As the sky darkens and the ground trembles, someone asks, "Why would the Son of God endure such suffering?" The answer is both simple and profound: For you, Christian! Yes, as your sin-atoning Savior.
While the Savior hung in agony upon the cursed tree, He knew each one of us intimately. He knew your every secret sin--of act, of word, and of thought. And yet, He chose to bear the full punishment for your sins. The Father's wrath, which was rightfully yours because of sin, fell upon Him instead! Jesus bore the eternal punishment that you deserved.
Christian! In that moment of excruciating pain, Jesus was thinking of you! Your name was written on His heart, and for you He suffered and died.
As Jesus cried out, "It is finished!" He declared that your sin-debt had been paid in full. The Father's righteous wrath was satisfied, and you were set free.
Let that sink in.
The King of Kings, the Creator of all things--thought of you individually. He did not endure the cross grudgingly, but out of an incomprehensible love for you.
To see His hands fastened to the wood, and His feet pierced, and His heart gashed, and His life flowing out in blood, and Himself bearing unutterable agonies for my sins--should cause us to treasure Him.
"Precious Lord Jesus, I cannot comprehend the depth of Your love for me. Thank You for having me on Your heart as You suffered on the cross. Thank You for specifically bearing my sins and taking my punishment, to secure eternal life for me. Help me to always remember the price You paid for me. Amen."
"We love Him, because He first loved us!" 1 John 4:19