"The spirit of the world is eating out the very heart and life of true godliness" George Everard"Refined worldliness is the present snare of the Church of God" Horatius Bonar
Are we Christians—or are we worldlings?
The sweeter morsel for the worm!
You have saved the best until now!
Our only and all-sufficient portion!
The world's pleasures are often curses in disguise
Turn away from the lovely enchantress
If this is happiness — then give me misery!
The great mass of nominal Christians are nothing but unconverted worldlings!
Mr. Hill is a strange man, he eats carrion
The subtle snare of worldly prosperity
We do not relinquish the vain pursuit!
You may get a ticket straight to Hell, by express!
The line between the Church and the world seems completely effaced and forgotten
Don't be the slave of worldly amusements
Everybody craves for it, like a babe for its rattle
The ensnaring power and deadly influence of worldly vanities!
The world's politics, pleasures, and pursuits
What gives the world its fatal charms?
The spirit of the world is eating out the very heart and life of true godliness
So it died, buried in pleasure
A spiritual playpen where the crying babies must be appeased
When you wallow in the mud of worldly pleasures
Even though he had a shipload of such rubbish!
Will we be numbered with cat-worshipers and dog-adorers?
The deadliness of worldliness!
This precept is very extensive and important
288 opinions about the way to happiness
Lord, dig the earth out of my heart
Wholly taken up with contriving methods of amusing themselves
Let us try and not attend to its gewgaws
The carrion which delights the crow
The deceitful harlot has bewitched you with her enchantments
Choked by life's worries, riches and pleasures!
What amusements are lawful to people who wish to live a holy life?
The best way to overcome the world
The theaters are fountains of vice!
I warn you against evil Books and evil Pictures
If we spend our time on the newspaper, or sit hour after hour reading trashy novels!
We have seen such a tragic repetition of it in our own days
Giddily gliding along the broad road that leads to destruction!
Who cares for pebbles — when jewels glitter before him?
Would we know what our treasure is?
One of the broadest avenues that lead to destruction
Looking firmly at the cross of Christ
This pleasure-loving, pleasure-seeking, pleasure-inventing age
A decent, flowery, down-hill way to eternal destruction
I tremble for the amount of worldliness which prevails in some professing Christian families
The most generally prevailing and ensnaring sin!
Nothing more than the common consent of fools
The burning of these old Ephesian books!
That is all they have to enjoy
The most powerful charm of Satan
Hell would be the place of greatest pleasure
True Christian living in the world
Let us beware of the love of money
Prayer for weanedness from the world
Three daughters which are bred by prosperity
Why is the love of the world represented as so dangerous and destructive to the souls of men?
Vanity of vanities, all is vanity
A beautiful harlot sitting in her chariot
They were as vain as the idols of modern times
Beware of the nail and the hammer
The Devil's Mission of Amusement
Why, then, are we so bewitched with vanities?
Where does all this vanity come from?
The school of thoughtlessness and vanity
The devils are scrambling for his soul
The creature has a little honey in its mouth—but it has wings!
If you attempt to enthrone the creature
He has altogether lost his relish for them
A painted happiness, a gilded misery
I bequeath my pastor's soul to the devil
Only another name for "Trouble"
Then the worm became a splendid butterfly!
When you see a dog following two men
They are like the soap-bubbles which little children blow
Christ calls men to carry a cross
We could not make the angels happy
We may be in the world, and not be injured by it
Here is the conclusion of the matter:
Alas you are likely to dance and frolic yourselves into hell
What a pitiful perishing portion is that
There is a higher end in life than to be amused
The rich followers of this poor Savior
Something either to dissatisfy or nauseate
Would such an inscription look well on some of our costly furniture?
What are these Christians doing on Satan's ground?
You can't love God and the world
He who eats the grapes of Sodom—
will soon drink the wine of GomorrahSunk deep in the mire of worldly-mindedness
A Christian and yet a worldling?
Yellow and white guts and garbage
Let worldly minds the world pursue
An honest, heart-felt preference of better things
One of the most pathetic sights in this world
Sweet poisons (the whole sermon)
There are some things that money cannot buy
Propensity for amusements and entertainments
A showy and expensive style of living
The prevailing sin of Christians
An unfavorable soil for the growth of piety
It is difficult to distinguish him from the unconverted man
The sooner we reach this conclusion
Ten thousand are destroyed by its smiles
Content his soul with earth's poor dust
Three worms which often breed in prosperity
The ways, and fashions, and amusements, and recreations of the world
It is time that I am done with all butterfly-hunting
We must test all our pleasures and amusements by this rule:
Worldly men varnished over with religion
The pursuits of butterflies and grasshoppers, and canary birds
If you wish to become weak-headed, unstable, and good for nothing
The sum total of worldly enjoyment in those two ciphers
We find that they are empty bubbles
Ah Poor soul — it is the rich man who goes to Hell
Here we are groveling in the clay and muck of this world!
Beware then of the vortex of worldliness
The mad desire of plenty and pleasure
Elegance, entertainment, and luxurious gratification
A love for pleasure, diversion, and recreation
What makes the children of God so strange?
Building air-castle upon air-castle
The way to Hell looks pleasant
The only sin which may be indulged
Encroaching, absorbing, and destructive
We are not to set our affections on them
The littleness of all earthly things
A cold chill fell upon their hearts
Enthralled with the doll or the rattle
The poor things of time and sense
Slaves to the customs and temper of the world
These Gergesites had rather lose
Christ, than lose their porkersWe would soon hear all the dogs of Hell baying with all their might against us
What the whole of it meaningless?
The carrion which professors can now feed upon
The world will lose its charms
Poor ephemeral things which cannot last
Don't touch their filthy things
Groveling among the baubles of this world
If you are at home in the world
Pambus wept when he saw a harlot
Do not fix your love upon your money bags
Nothing but a huge clod of dust
I believe it to be a public duty to warn people against cheats, quacks, and impostors
Of all weary, flat, dull and unprofitable ways of spending life
Look at the smiling beauty in the ball-room
They were yet ready to go to school to the filthy Canaanites
It will come in at every chink and crevice
The world passes away, and the lust thereof
We chase it like a bubble in the air
We find that they are empty bubbles
This cheating and deluding scene!
What are all the gilded toys of time?
Swimming down the stream of vanity and folly
The crying evil of both the Church and of the world
We were not always a set of poor mopes
Those who hunt after it are dogs
Seriously engaged about trifles
Seductive scenes of giddiness and mirth!
Madam Bubble we have seen with her mask off, and are not to be fascinated by so ugly a witch
These fugitive, transitory things
If you been a dog, a toad, or a serpent
Where lions have their dens and panthers prowl
That ever promising, yet ever deceiving world
Our own health, wealth, and gratification
We have expected too much from 'the creature'
One of the most childish pieces of folly
She had left her heart behind her
An ark of safety in the flood of vanities
Romantic dreams of pleasure and earthly joy
In the world — and yet not of the world
An excessive anxiety about the innocent things of this life
Men as well as children, may be pleased with trifles
In the world, and yet not to be of the world
Very distinct from this poor, fallen, degraded world
Intoxicating to the unregenerate heart!
When you come to creep into your hole
What a poor, uncertain, dying world is this
Grovel in the dust to gather pebbles
The increasing rage for novel reading
The dirt-scrapers of this world?
If the world loves us, smiles on us, and speaks well of us
A powerful and ever sleepless foe
The largest slice of the well-sugared cake
The vain delights of this world
A ball, a concert, a festivity, a party
There, on the other side, is my solitary soul
The sights and shows of this perishing world
Come out from them and be separate
Choked by life's worries, riches and pleasures
A canker into the very core of your spirituality
The more worldly pleasure — the less happiness
The most devouring idol in all the world
To separate us from worldly things
Quaff the muddy and turbulent streams of earth?
What are the ephemeral distinctions of earth?
A worldly spirit will ever peep out
Separation from the ungodly world
The deadliest enemy of holiness?
The evil spirit which haunts the rich man
Toys Sports and games for children
We must not expect much in this base world
We convert our blessings into poisons
The muddy waters of this world
The sad record of many a religious professor
The world is an old nut which we crack
A life of ease, leisure, and luxury
When it comes in the guise of a friend
What trifles, what toys, what empty vanities
How has the fine gold become dim
The sooner we reach this conclusion ourselves
He is tossed from vanity to vanity
Short-lived, imperfect and unsatisfying
The more worthless will this world appear
Let us try and not attend to its gewgaws
For a moment of sinful pleasure
The net of earthly, carnal, sensual engagements
For a rational man to be so attached to a bubble, is a most irrational thing
What shadows we are, and what shadows we pursue
You have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose to do!
Nothing on earth can satisfy the soul
Crush this fearful, powerful foe
The besetting sin of Christians
Precarious, insufficient, and ensnaring
The insipid frivolities of the world
Our idolatrous love of worldly things
Christianity is just the jolliest thing imaginable
He awoke with everlasting flames about his ears
The world's coveted possessions
If we could see the Crucified One?
If you hunt the butterfly of wealth too eagerly
All the houses in this plague stricken land
A demon that has wrung the neck of many souls?
The only legitimate purpose of amusement
There are dangers and perils peculiar to a state of prosperity!
If you really believe that all things under the sun are vanity
They would not be so anxious to save money
Christ in the heart, and the world under the feet
Three things that earthly riches can never do?
Worldly men varnished over with religion
What the world offers to its devotees?
They cherish the viper, though it stings them to death
The things the pagans are always concerned about
Nothing worse can happen to a Church
Could you grasp the world like an orange
A wilderness of 'bitter sweets'
The Christian and the world...
This world brings only 'change'
Here is a prohibition and an admonition
Can Hollywood and Holiness co-exist?
Busy yourselves about toys and trifles
The Vanity of All Worldly Things
While we mourn over our many maladies
The world, so fair, so fascinating
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