Christ, The Altogether Lovely One!

In one vast blaze of unobscured glory!

He is the infinite, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, gracious, just, holy, and unchangeable I AM!

That spiritual pipe

He has done all things well!

My needs —His fullness

Altogether lovely

Had I a thousand lives, a thousand souls

Look at the King in His beauty

What a wonderful person!

He saw Him falling to the ground, groveling in the dust, sweating blood!

The Preciousness of Jesus!

Jesus, the believer's treasure

Christ is Himself the vital thing

Jesus is only precious to believers

The more I see of Jesus!

Plato's wish

I am confounded with wonder

The only true delight!

You will never come to the bottom of these depths

True excellency

The most suitable good

How is your Beloved better than others?

There lies the sweetness!

Yes, He is altogether lovely!

The Soul Melted

The thoughts make the face!

He is a rich, full, free, and inexhaustible fountain

This Jesus of Nazareth!

Looking at the world through the cross

This strange, double picture of Jesus!

A sea of sweetness

The endless, blissful theme

No wonder the maidens love You

The more bloody—the more lovely

Invincibly and irresistibly drawn

If a man had to wade breast deep through a thousand hells

A faint symbol of unutterable affection

O what crowds of pitiable objects!

The best physician!

What is Christianity?

There is none like Jesus

Yes, He is altogether lovely

Ten thousand times more precious

When once I had got a view of Christ's transcendent loveliness

The source and spring of all true life, pleasure, holiness, and hope

Behold the Man!

Behold the Man!

Jesus is ever the same!

All that man can need, and all that God can give

A marvelous combination of all that is lovely and beautiful

His names and titles

An immense ocean of everlasting love

All the links of the golden chain of salvation

When we become magnetized by Jesus' beauty and adore Him


This my Friend

Nothing feeds, nothing refreshes, nothing delights my soul!

The hand of Jesus

A heaven unto me

The great and crowning bliss of Heaven!

What more can any Christian desire?

Christ is . . .

The garment which the Savior always wore

The unsearchable riches of Christ

Something infinitely better

Altogether lovely!

Unfathomable oceans of grace

Very precious

That Almighty Friend, Advocate and Physician

Pile in one mass

We shall be so ravished

Which of our senses shall be most enthralled?

Yes, He is altogether lovely

Born with a tear in His eye!

Me, the vilest of the vile

Tenacious upon the mad pursuit!


This baffles all comprehension!

The end of God's goodness?

This most precious and suitable Savior

O wondrous transformation

This is the greatest sight you will ever see

Just give me Jesus 

The OFFICES of Christ

Spiritual health and strength

A jewel more worth than a thousand worlds

A mixture of clay, dirt, and corruption


Heaven's richest treasure

Oh, you who want unfailing comfort

The Sun of righteousness

The personal attractions of Jesus

What a sight!

The treasury is large and inexhaustible

The only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth

All tears of godly sorrow drop from the eye of faith

Losses, crosses, disappointments, and bereavements!

Heavenly homesickness?

Behold, I am coming soon!


Heaven's great store-house

Your eyes will see the King in His beauty

The great physician


Very precious

Jesus is . . .

Shift the kaleidoscope

Worthy is the Lamb who was slain!

Go simply to Jesus

Dive and dive again

Surely, we cannot know this Christ too well

His name

He sits on the calm throne of eternal serenity

A soul satisfying spectacle

The chief among ten thousand, the altogether lovely One

Study the Lord Jesus Christ

The most accessible and precious spot

That ocean in which all true delights and pleasures meet

Who can this be but Jesus?

How emptying, humbling, and abasing

The fathomless mystery of the Cross

That I may know Him!

Why are we so apt to be captivated by the gewgaws of the world?

Christ must be all

Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb

We would never commit a sin

Your Almighty Friend

What a Sight

His heart is a fountain of mercy, and its streams are perpetually flowing

What wretched work

The assemblage of graces found only in Jesus

The only source of comfort; the only spring of joy?

Groaning, sweating, bleeding, and painfully yielding up his life

My Beloved is mine—and I am His

O stone-blind eyes

Look Gaze See Behold

The monopolizer

When disappointed in the creature

Three looks at Jesus

Just what suits me

When the Son of Man comes in His glory

If that man had the soul of a swine

The crown of universal monarchy

Our sins

The Man with the bruised heel & crown of thorns

He is both Teacher and Lesson, Guide and Way

The Only Everlasting Flower

Brethren, is not this the very cream of Heaven?

In wondrous contrast — and yet with consistent harmony

The life of all our graces and comforts

Precious and glorious

My Beloved

O consider Jesus' loveliness and beauty

The deep things of God

My pardon cost Him that

Both our teacher and our lesson

The unsearchable riches of Christ!

One perfect sweet

Keep this medicine next to your heart

The all sufficiency of Christ

Infinite excellency


His unutterable loveliness

The Infinite has become an infant

Faith's view of a crucified Redeemer

Going up through this wilderness world

Infinite fullness

Revelation 1:13-16

The sparkling diamond in the ring of glory

The awesome, holy, glorious beauty of Christ

Our faithful, unfailing Friend

Altogether Lovely

The essence of all delights and pleasures

What a sin-killing, self-abasing sight

The Infinite has become an infant

The Altogether lovely One

The richest jewel in the cabinet of glory

Your Savior's heart

The depth of that love

When the world is one vast howling wilderness

His cross, His love, His grace, His heart

The Hiding Place!

The true spiritual Atlas!

The best evidence of Christianity

It quenches the thirst of the soul

All loveliness, all excellence, all glory

My Beloved

The most precious thing in Heaven or earth


More than being our friend, helper, or benefactor


Yes, He is altogether lovely

Inexpressibly, Unutterably, Indescribably Lovely

Oh, how precious is Christ

Better than any earthly pleasure

One inconceivable beauty

The altogether lovely One

The incomparable sweetness of Christ

One consummate perfection

Oh the glory

His all-conquering loveliness

The preciousness of Christ

Unconquerable love

The best


The love of Christ ...

The magnet

True beauty...

One ounce of Christ's love

Untiring delight

Earths sweetest delight

The goldmine


Depths, heights, lengths, and breadths of loveliness

The sweetest sight

The painted beauties of this world will wither

He is too wise to err—and too good to be unkind

That Man of sorrows, is the Savior of the world

Tis but a taste

When His beauty is seen

Unto you who believe — He is precious

The best man

Thus He will make the soul enamored with Jesus

To join in one person

Praise Him

The most interesting, profitable, and elevating theme

Christ, who is our life

Oh what a treasure

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