Which of our senses shall be most enthralled?

"Christ Precious to Believers" Andrew Gray, 1634-1656

"My Beloved is radiant and dazzling, better than ten thousand others!" Canticles 5:10

When we shall come to Heaven, we will not know which of our senses shall be most enthralled.

The eye shall be enchanted. What joy to see there the sparkling brightness in the face of Christ! There you may see the lily and the rose mixed-white and reddish. Canticles 5:10.

The ear shall be filled with melody. What joy to the spouse to hear Christ's voice-to hear Him say, "My love, My dove, My undefiled!"

The smell shall be filled with sweet savor. What joy to smell that fragrancy and perfume which comes from Christ! All His garments smell of myrrh, aloes, and cassia-giving forth His fragrance as the wine of Lebanon.

The taste shall be delighted. O what joy is there to be drinking in the fountain of Christ, who is the water of life!

The touch shall be charmed. The saints shall be forever in the embraces of Christ! "Behold My hands and My feet-handle Me, and see." That will be our occupation in Heaven, when we shall dwell between those sweet arms that were once stretched out upon the cross!

"My Beloved is radiant and dazzling, better than ten thousand others!" Canticles 5:10