Chance, accident, luck—or Divine Providence?This would greatly calm our minds, and take the sting out of ten thousand little irritations!
All that occurs in His wide empire
All is transparent and harmonious to His eye
There is no such thing as "chance," "luck," or "accident"
We should lie as clay in the hands of our all-wise, all-gracious Potter!
Such a god should be derided, not worshiped
I would teach you a way to be never be disappointed
God's all wise, gracious, and adorable providence
God's perfect wisdom in the management of our affairs
Pithy Puritan gems on God's providential care for His redeemed people
You should consider from whose hand it has been sent to you!
Even in the midst of life's trials, uncertainties, and sorrows
He is not a distant uninvolved deity!
We must always look to the eternal outcome!
Do we want to be rulers of the universe?
Believer, what are you doing, going groaning through the world beneath a load of fears and cares?
There is nothing really accidental!
Direction by an omniscient mind, and an omnipotent hand
That hair's-breadth has sufficed to direct the current of our life
God leading His people through the wilderness
When I grumble about the weather!
The nest was destroyed, and the poor bird lay bleeding and exposed!
If we were directing the affairs of our own lives
What a compassionate, gracious arrangement
Our dim eyes cannot read the dark pages
Providence is no other than God providing
The smallest trifles are as much arranged by the God of Providence
Without that one very unpleasant thing
The providences of God are often dark and mysterious
Our wisest plans and best endeavors!
The wonders of His providence!
I sent blight and mildew and hail
Everything short of Hell is mercy!
Fate, accident, chance—or SOVEREIGNTY?
I follow like a little blind child
It pleases God to send it, and whatever pleases Him pleases me
A beautiful face—under a black mask
John Calvin on Divine Providence
When all the mysteries of Providence will be solved
Just because He disposes all things
Even our faults, our follies and our sins
All things, the bitter and the sweet
The sovereign decrees and allotments of Your infinite wisdom
The key to many of the painful or mysterious providences of our lives
Thank God that He has veiled the future!
All seemed dark and mysterious!
Why were the old days better than these?
Thoughtful, sleepless, loving care
When we complain about the weather
The sovereign decrees and allotments of Your infinite wisdom
If you had been gifted with unerring wisdom
Whoever complains of seasons and weather
Away with that guilty atheism which dethrones God from the sovereign control over His own world
This is not a world of chance—it is our Father's world
Not a single shaft can hit, till the God of love sees fit
I am very sorry about your accident
If I might but get the broken crumbs!
There is no sweeter pillow than providence
Afterwards you will understand
Little did she know, that amid the
sheaves—she would find a husbandThis city has so aroused My anger and wrath
Trust His heart—even when you can't trace His hand
Our Father refuses to answer such questions
Pestilence! Famine! Earthquake!
The unerring hand of infinite wisdom
Had any other condition been better for you than the one in which you are in
The sheep do not choose their own pasture
I could wish He would have spared my son
And we ought to be content with that
All that we need drops from His palm
The height of folly, arrogance, and weakness
Building air-castle upon air-castle!
Should it be according to your mind?
In the great mirror of eternity
A glory, a beauty, and a sweetness
The wise, unerring hand of His good providence
The worst calamity is the wisest and the kindest thing that could befall to me
Ordering, arranging, and controlling all
All hang dependent on His powerful providence
Sword and famine and wild beasts and plague
There is no 'chance' in God's world
He does not come in the sunshine only
The world's pleasures are often curses in disguise
Dark and mysterious providences
You are the one who has done this
A wise, and most kind, as well as holy Providence
We are to submit to His holy will
Each apparently capricious turn in life's way
He opens His bountiful hand—and my needs are met
Afterwards you will understand!
You do not know what a day may bring forth
We know not what this day may bring forth
Wars, pestilences, earthquakes!
There are many devices in a man's heart
Submit to the appointments of our Maker
"Chance," "luck," or "accident"
There are no difficulties, no sorrows or joys which are matters of chance
All the mysteries of providence!
If we had God's power we would change everything
Hush your insane murmurs, O worm
Beware of that practical atheism
Whence, then, this loveliness, this charm?
Oh it is a sweet and holy life
Mapped, arranged, and provided for
Even the very hairs of your head have all been numbered
See the hand of God in all the barbarisms and incivilities of men
Every thread in the web of life
Oh it is a sweet and holy life
Infinite wisdom directs every event
All our care, forethought, and caution
His providences may change, His heart cannot.
When God thwarts, afflicts, and mortifies us
Why, then, these fears? Why this distrust?
Being cast like a weed on the bewildering stream
Disagreement with the path, is disagreement with Him who ordained it
The design of the divine Artist
Should it be according to your mind?
All things, all creatures, and all events
All dropping from the outstretched, munificent hand
What the little bird said to Luther
His Providence is wisely designed and sovereignly sent for our good
Our proper enjoyment of every earthly blessing
We should sweetly acquiescence in God's will
See here the evil of murmuring and complaining at our lot in the world
What a debased creature must he be
Divine Providence (1689 Baptist Confession)
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