As well might a babe step between the railroad tracksWe should lie as clay in the hands of our all-wise, all-gracious Potter!
The most excellent study for expanding the soul!
Who is regulating affairs on this earth today—God, or the Devil?
The God of contemporary Christianity!
The god of popular Christianity
They seek to banish such a God from their thoughts
Never did God appear more glorious!
When we can't trace His hand, we must trust His heart!
We are apt to measure His wisdom, by the faulty line of our own reason!
Sovereign, absolute, uncompromising control
This truth should fill us with a profound sense of awe and reverence!
Broken, humbled and destitute!
The only happiness with which our souls can be satisfied!
It has been said that God hates sin, but He loves the sinner. Is this true?
Votaries of a deity of their own making
The Sovereignty of God in Saving Sinners!
They seek to banish such a God from their thoughts
As if we saw two shining eyes looking on us out of the darkness
Too wise to err—and too loving to be unkind
Every saint will be a monument to God's glory!
Last night Sam was at "The Fighting Rooster"
The best friend—but the worst enemy
Of all the doctrines of the Bible, none is so offensive to human nature as . . .
If we could but grasp this in the depth of our being
How precious is Your unfailing love, O God!
He who can truly say this, is a God
All the whole volume of perfections
An inexhaustible mine of wealth!
There is no doctrine more hated by worldlings
Nothing can frustrate His designs—and nothing hinder or vary His purposes
Even the casting of the reprobate into the Lake of Fire is an act of mercy
Suppose a cup of sweet poison were put into our hands
Oh how ashamed you would be if men could see your thoughts
There has been too much trifling with Jehovah
We make Him to be an infinite monster
The prosperity of the wicked—and the adversity of the righteous
We should learn a lesson from the old heathen artist
What can be more difficult than this?
A comfort to the believer, and a terror to the unbeliever
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain
The eternity of God, and heaven, and hell
The most important thing about us
Mercy swims to us through Christ's blood
The infinite distance between us and our holy Creator, Sustainer, and Redeemer
There is an Eye that sees all things as they are
God sees through these fig-leaves!
Take off the shoes from your feet
Authority, glory and sovereign power
Ever since you rose from your bed this morning—there has been an eye watching you
God's perfections and glorious attributes!
O the preciousness of this truth!
What a pillow on which to rest my aching head
The most despised verse in the entire Bible
Meditate a little on the mercy of God
His infinite Majesty—His ineffable Tenderness
The wrath of God let loose upon His Son
These are the idols of the heart
Amidst all the changes of this troublous life
What should move God to love us?
Remember, God's arrows never miss the mark!
They are loving an imaginary God
He does according to His will in Heaven, earth, and Hell!
It is not because He needs them
The best friend—but the worst enemy
The root and foundation of all the mistakes in theology
It has put hatred into God Himself
Astonished, bewildered, and overpowered
God is too kind to punish the ungodly
A sure and safe anchorage amid the world's heaving ocean of vicissitude
The pouring forth of all His wrath
He shall judge the world in righteousness
All of His glorious attributes and perfections are yours
Lose yourself in the impenetrable tracts of His Glory
Contemplating God's greatness!
What punishment then can be too great—for so great an evil?
The presence of a compassionate God
His unwearied care and concern
The wrath of God let loose upon His Son
Who are you, O man, to talk back to God?
The drop of water—and a giant being!
A mere cloak which covered a heart full of unclean lusts
Can he scale heaven and dethrone our God?
Justice sheaths its avenging sword in His heart
We are all living monuments of God's goodness and patience
The sovereign ruler of the world
The multitude of Your tender mercies
Many suck poison from this sweet flower
The Unconquerable King, part 1
The Unconquerable King, part 2
He will bruise His darling Son!
A god who does not rule all things absolutely
Who can count the hideous specters?
When it lays its head on the pillow of God's omnipotence
Put to death by His own creatures
And how is it that I am made to differ?
His providences may change, His heart cannot.
The god of this apostate generation
Why an infinitely gracious God permitted
sin and suffering to enter the universe.Why does God allow the wicked to
live and prosper in the world?An unfailing spring of joy and consolation
Hell is full of the Divine holiness
The fierceness and wrath of Almighty God
The best name by which we can think of God
Pride, worldliness, and covetousness
Wherever, therefore, you shall flee--there He is
Casting all our sins into oblivion
The throne of universal dominion
Sinful man was no more likely to devise a holy God
Power, love, kindness, faithfulness, wisdom, goodness
Everything in this world is liable to change!
God's first and greatest object?
Grace Gems: |
Grace Gems
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