The omnipresence of God!
(Charles Simeon) LISTEN to Audio! Download Audio
"Can anyone hide in secret places, so that I cannot see him?
Do not I fill Heaven and earth?" Jeremiah 23:24
What folly it is to commit sin under the idea of secrecy!
That such stupidity prevails in the world, is manifest to all.
The thief takes advantage of his concealment to lay his hand upon his neighbor's property.
The adulterer watches for the return of night, when he may accomplish his wicked purposes without detection, Job 24:15-17
Sinners of every description commit in secret, what they would not dare to perpetrate, if they knew that the eyes of their fellow-creatures were upon them!
Why do they act thus—unless from the atheistic hope that God is not aware of their actions, or from an utter denial of His presence? Such conduct however is folly in the extreme; for "the eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good!" Proverbs 15:3
"Even the darkness will not be dark to Him; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to Him!" Psalm 139:12
As He observes all men—so He will also "bring to light what is hidden in darkness, and will expose the motives of men's hearts"—as a ground of that sentence which He will one day pass upon all the workers of iniquity! 1 Corinthians 4:5
Let this be remembered in reference to all the sins we have ever committed in secret; and let it teach us to seek the forgiveness of them while yet the door of mercy is still open to us.
How vain are the hopes of the hypocrite! "For what hope does the hypocrite have, when he is cut off, when God takes away his life?" Job 27:8
It is not a very difficult matter to deceive others. Yes, we may also deceive our own selves! But we can never deceive God! However deceptive our conduct may be—God will discern our corrupt motives and principles, and will judge us according to the real quality of our hearts.
There is one way, and only one, in which we can hide our sins from God—and that is by fleeing to the Lord Jesus Christ for refuge! Then, though God will behold the repentant sinner, He will not behold the sin; for it shall all be "blotted out as a morning cloud," and be "cast behind Him into the depths of the sea!"
The vilest sinner in the universe, if he is "found in Christ," shall be "complete in Christ," and "without spot or blemish before Him!"
Such a hiding-place is Christ! "A Man will be . . .
like a shelter from the wind,
and a refuge from the storm,
like streams of water in the desert,
and the shadow of a great rock in a parched land!" Isaiah 32:2Such shall be the felicity of all who believe in Him! Acts 10:43
But it is in vain to hope that by any other means we shall escape the wrath of God. "Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account!" Hebrews 4:13
Every sin not purged away by the blood of Jesus, shall be visited with just and everlasting judgments!