The eyes of the Lord

(Brooks, "The Golden Key to Open Hidden Treasures")

"Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight.
 Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the
 eyes of Him to whom we must give account!"
    Hebrews 4:13

God is . . .
  all ear to hear,
  all hand to punish,
  all power to protect,
  all wisdom to direct,
  all goodness to relieve,
  all grace to pardon,
  all eye to observe the . . .
     ways, and
     walkings of men.

As the eyes of a well-drawn picture are fastened on us,
wherever we move — so are the eyes of the Lord.

"For a man's ways are in full view of the Lord,
 and He examines all his paths." Proverbs 5:21