I know your thoughts!
(James Smith, "God Knows Our Thoughts" 1859)
"I know your thoughts!" Job 21:27
Do we pay sufficient attention to our thoughts?
Every thought has a character — it is either good or bad.
Every thought produces an effect — it either sanctifies or depraves.
Sin begins in thought;
holiness begins in thought;
misery begins in thought;
happiness begins in thought.
Thought decides the state of man — hence the Bible says, "As he thinks in his heart — so is he."
We cannot tell what a man is by his words, nor always by his acts — but if we could get at his thoughts, we could. God attends to our thoughts, and he wishes us to do so. He asks, "How long shall your vain thoughts lodge within you?" He testifies, "I know the thoughts that come into your mind — every one of them!" Not only so — but Jesus has declared, "I am He who searches the thoughts and the heart!"
Reader, God knows the thoughts that come into your mind!