"All men think all men are mortal, but themselves!"

Side by side they lie in the dust, and worms cover them both!

Ever gliding down the stream of time into the ocean of eternity

The believer's best day! 

He preached his own funeral sermon

What a superlatively grand and consoling idea!

I have been informed of the loss of your dear wife

The key of Death is in the Savior's hands

Spurgeon Gems on Death and Dying

A dreadful release

George is dead

Life, Death, and Eternity! (with video)

A grey head, and a carnal worldly heart

Living in the Light of Eternity!

Prepare to meet the monster

Susannah Spurgeon, "A Song of Sighs"

He who trifles with it is a fool

There lies his mortal body, moldering into dust—and feeding the worms

To the dust you will return 

Soon I must go down that road from which I will never return

Nine evils which death will put an end to

You are on the road to eternity!

The great Arbiter of life and death!

A Prayer of a Dying Saint!

Flying through the air with an angel-escort  

Swept off the great chess-board of this world

The funeral of all his sorrows!

The funeral

The nest was destroyed, and the poor bird lay bleeding and exposed!

His uplifted dart is inexorable!

People are like grass and flowers

The house in which we must all abide at last!

Many times Jesus and His people pull against one another in prayer!

Could you be so selfish—and so cruel?

View well the monster in true light

That last river which we all must pass over

It must be consigned to the dust from whence it came

It is not a loss to die

Zeuxis died laughing at the picture of an old woman

The vilest reptile and the proudest prince!

Where are you going?

The messenger of Christ to fetch us home to Himself

I am in eternity—and you are on the brink!

I am dying!

He never thought that he would sink into Hell!

You are only fattening it for worms

When we gaze upon the lifeless corpse

An outlet and an inlet!

There is no discharge in that war

The happiest moment of his life

In the midst of all the wild scene—Stephen fell asleep

When the cold winds are whistling over your grave

Both are buried in the same dust — both eaten by the same maggots

The moment after death!

And there reader, you are going!

The thread of life is held by the divine hand alone

God has three axes

The human idol is removed!

The house appointed for all living

The Lord's gentle usher!

Though we mourn, we must not murmur

Prayer for a time of bereavement

In my cage

In a few days — I may be in Hell

That ruthless invader of all happiness

Where am I bound for? For Heaven—or for Hell?

I kill

When will it be my time to be eaten?

One more step, and his icy hand may lay hold of us!

The shining heap

Surely, we would not wish them back again

Running to and fro like ants upon a heap

Devour me, devour me

The funeral of all your sorrows

Look upon death

The dirty lane!

All the trees of earth are marked for the woodman's ax

Crawling along the road of life

Letter to a stricken soul

My pleasant infant

These venomous creatures

Gone so soon without a trace

Death is a change of place

Death is a change of employment

If death gives them a jog

It will matter little when I lie in my coffin

You are the one who has done this

A great change!

Meditate upon DEATH

These vile bodies of ours

After you are dead?

Love photographs them in the heart!

Your dying day

Ready or not!

A few feet of earth will suffice

Death will be gain indeed

An inlet to three dreadful things

Like a passing scene in a drama

A worm, a gnat, a fly, a hair, a raison, a skin of a grape

A race to the sepulcher

Your daughter is dead

The great robber of our loves and joys

We sicken, and die, and moulder away in the grave

You will die this year!

Death brings the soul to a state of eternal rest

Death is a change of company

They only think of amusements and entertainments!

Death puts an end to all changes

The mad desire of plenty and pleasure

Why am I so averse to die?

This tyrant wields a universal sway


A bowl which will soon be broken

We shall wither, fade, and die!

A hideous skeleton, a collection of bones, a heap of dust

Let all God's people look upon death through Scripture spectacles

Death — to the righteous and the wicked

The contracting walls

Beyond this, I have no great desire to live

The base cares & the petty enjoyments of the present world

We are no longer young

Dear wife, farewell

You are the one who has done this

The time has come for my departure!

The death of your godly daughter

My little daughter Ann was in good health on Monday — and on Thursday she was a corpse

The key of death

Death cannot hurt you

I have been just informed of the loss of your dear wife

Poor Miss Smith — where is she now?

Reader, turn aside and see this great sight!

He then sank back, like his son, smiled, and expired

The way to life eternal

The gate of death, and the gate of glory, are one

Now am I one day nearer Heaven than I ever was!

The death of His saints

All our care, forethought, and caution

When you come to creep into your hole

The death of my dear wife

What would we think?

It shall be well with him

A welcome guest

Honor, wealth, and pleasure lose their charms

The stage

Mr. Andrews met with many storms and billows during his voyage on the sea of life

The Christian and Death

The design of the divine Artist

In a few years?

How frail the thread

Fear living

Death to the Christian

How many more years will I live?

This dark valley of corruption, earth, and worms

Death to the Christian


When the Puritan Richard Baxter lay dying


Never fear dying, beloved.

How glorious to die

A 'death' parable

We must ALL appear

Gods appointments


Do you know that man?

It would make us sleep more quietly, and die more comfortably

What will you do now?

Look forward to your sinless and perfect home

I desire that this may be my text at my funeral:

You are on the road to eternity

Riches Beauty Pleasure Genius Fame

Your beauty, strength, and fine attire

A feast for the worms

The grass will be growing over our graves

The death of our dear friend Elmore

A vast hospital of anguish

The Book of Life

One hour after death

This year I may be in Heaven

Dear Mrs. Brown died this morning

The things the pagans are always concerned about

Dust you are and to dust you will return

When my sweet daughter Eliza was dying

On every forehead

Neither youth, nor wit, nor beauty, nor strength, nor money!

The old grave stone...

He shall never see death

Are you prepared to die?

When believers die

Death, to the believer

That dead man or dead woman

What is death, father?

Poor man, poor lost man, poor dying man

The Creator of all worlds in tears

Life and death...

A Dying Man's Regrets



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