Christ's sympathy!

Divine Sympathy

A Bag, a Book, and a Bottle!

God's presence amidst life's darkest moments

He led them forth by the right way!

The worst calamity is the wisest and the kindest thing which could befall me

My portion

This God is mine, in all His glorious perfection!

God's workmanship

All the jewels in the Savior's crown are without a single flaw

The man who has God for his portion!

If Jehovah is your God

Fly into the bosom of Christ for refuge and safety!

The woman had left her only child dead in her home

Precious Promises for Aged Saints

All Is Well If Christ Is Mine

There is no such thing as "chance," "luck," or "accident"

We are apt to measure His wisdom, by the faulty line of our own reason!

His very great and precious promises!

Christ's sleepless vigilance over His people!

God, the Portion of His People

All that we can need for life or death, time or eternity

Believer, what are you doing, going groaning through the world beneath a load of fears and cares?

The tenderness of God

We should lie as clay in the hands of our all-wise, all-gracious Potter!

Carry all your concerns to Him in the arms of faith!

I am the object of God's tender, paternal, and ceaseless care!

In the midst of life's darkest moments!

The Lord is My Shepherd

An arm that can never be broken

All of His glorious attributes and perfections are yours

You keep track of all my sorrows!

My Father!

This one thought is a fountain of unfailing happiness

The aged believer's cordial!

Every groan of your wounded heart

God's care for you reaches to the very least matters

Even in the midst of life's trials, uncertainties and sorrows

Amazing love

Not one tear is lost

The most accessible and precious spot

Surely I am with you all the days

The infinitely wise and gracious God

Look up!

We must continually come to Him!

A poor, weak, and trembling creature

The last pang, and groan, and tear

All the sins of the saints

With perfect wisdom, at the right time, in the right way

What a comfort is this!

The delight which God has in His redeemed people

The object of God's tender, perfect and ceaseless care!

His abiding presence and inexhaustible resources!

On whom do you trust?

The Sure Resource!

God's jewels!

Nothing is left to 'chance'

Like grapes in the wine-press

All the 'littles' of our little world

Whose presence is thus promised and pledged?

All of His glorious attributes and perfections are yours

Nestle in our Savior's arms

His exaltation is our exaltation

You are the objects of the blessed Redeemer's particular care

Think of all the hard things there are in your life!

We dwell within the palm of God's hand

My shepherd

I will be their God—and they shall be My people

I want those You have given Me to be with Me

You yourself will sit with Him upon His throne

Tears have a voice!

He gives more grace

They are so dear to Him, that He cannot take His eyes off them

The only way to obtain relief under the manifold cares that often encompass our path

He has a perfect knowledge of all His subjects

How cheerfully would they pass along the 'journey of life'

What the human heart craves

The sufferings of this present life

Go to Him in your emptiness, and receive daily out of His fullness

When you go through deep waters and great trouble!


A poor beast that is going homeward, goes cheerfully

Your unfailing Guide!

When a tear is wept by you—do not think that God does not behold it

The only sure medicine for troubled hearts

The Promised Strength

Trust His heart—even when you can't trace His hand

Surely I am with you always!

This is a wonderful secret which all of us ought to learn

Sovereign, absolute, uncompromising control

It is I!

My own special treasure

Jesus knows!

Nestle in the Savior's arms

The Lord is my Shepherd—I shall not want

An all-sufficient Savior—and a needy sinner

We shall not always live in this poor, dying, trying, suffering, sinful state

I know, O Lord, that Your judgments are right

The antidote for fear!

The lock-smith's great bunch of keys

The life-boat of free grace!

A shield and deliverer!

He puts a finger upon the scar

HE cares for ME

He cannot love you more!

Look up today, O parched plant!

All the Hell that you shall ever have


What a beautiful picture of my poor, weak, hungry soul

Happiness hunters

Your walking through this vast wilderness

Spiritual joys

It will all end in mercy

Are you not put to shame by every little bird that sits upon the bough and sings, though it has not two grains of barley in all the world?

And when you feel weak—lean hard!

He never trusts 'the rod' out of His own hand

You are Mine!

Here—put your troubles here

The master-key which fits the locks!

Pains, infirmities, loss of sleep, the failure of sight and hearing

The God also of the broken-hearted

The physician and the patient!

If there were an ant at the door of your granary

The more burdens we put on His shoulders

God is for me

Sought out

It is difficult to say which is the more astonishing

Run to your Father!

Lock your hand in His

We dwell in the palm of God's hand

God does not promise to lift the burden away

The secret sorrow

All their concerns are upon His heart

My friend, I know not what your trouble may be

A few more throbbings of this aching heart

Run to your Father's arms and nestle in His bosom!

The pagans run after all these things

Our Father is taking care of us

The Lord's Garden

This is mercy

He will carry the lambs in His bosom

Surely it is better to go to Heaven with the few—than to go to Hell with the many

The poor Christian!

Your heavenly Father knows

Poor in self—rich in Jesus!

Through a wilderness of sins, sorrows, trials and temptations

Here is an arm that never can be broken

The Great Physician and His patients

You have all your hearts can wish!

O suffering saint

Here little—and hereafter much!

Comfort for Suffering Saints

I can take my Elim with me through the great wilderness

With the fragments of the broken hopes and joys

This life is a valley of tears

The sweet, twin hounds of heaven

Do not be afraid, for I am with you!

My Rock

He is especially kind to the lambs

He makes all His subjects kings

He not only makes them kings

A weak, defenseless, foolish creature

My Support!

Lean hard! 

He answers these many fears with a single golden sentence

You will see the reason

A remedy for heart trouble

What a beautiful picture of my poor, weak, hungry soul

He will carry the lambs in His arms, holding them close to his heart

Carrying our little troubles and needs to God

You will soon end your tedious, tiresome journey!

God disciplines us for our good

He may be your emperor—but he is my father

I do not believe that our heavenly Father will ever forget His redeemed children

I know your sorrows!

God has not promised

With the eye of tenderest love

The toiling, the tempted, and the sorrowing

Mother, don't you love me?

My heart feels for you, my dear friend, in your deep, deep trial

Son, you are ever with Me, and all I have is yours!

He loves to see His poor, helpless, suffering patients come!


The best way to be holy

The load will be too heavy for us


The presence of a loving God

Worms should be made kings

The Lord Himself watches over you!

The secret of development of Christian character

Ah yes He does

As a mother comforts her child

The path by which He will conduct you will not always be smooth and pleasant

I know their sorrows!

The heaviest afflictions on this side Hell

Daily Strength!

My Friend

We really need very little

Put all sorrow's wounds into His hand

Look unto Me

Father knows best

The name of the LORD is a strong tower

This is a sweet and precious truth

Genuine assurance

This old house

We did have a father—it was the devil!

God's bag and bottle

How despicable our troubles and trials will seem

Thou art nothing but a tiny insect at the door of my all-sufficiency!

Know that the Lord has set apart the godly for Himself!

Now he is comforted

If God is our Father

A weak, defenseless and foolish creature

God is our abode, our home

Ready to sink and faint?

When we find the path thorny, and the journey toilsome

We have the unspeakable consolation

Cheer up, my friend

One blessing after another

His little retreat, his shrine and his idol

All I need

Sons Brethren Princes Friends Heirs

The God of all comfort

His treasured possession

Letter to a stricken soul

Earth's broken things

Your poor, silly sheep!

A most sovereign antidote

Great in mercy

The Tender Solicitude





The voice of Jesus in the storm

With God for your portion

A loving purpose

Leaning on Jesus

I myself will help you

As we launch out into another year


A tender God!

A sermon which Peter never forgot

A Father's hand

Though you are a worm

Old age is creeping in upon us

I am with you always

I Myself will help you!

The path to comfort in our time of sorrow

Are you a distressed believer?

An ever-present help in trouble

We will be like Him

Christ's garden

Christian contentment

We need You to bring us to You

The sweetest and the most comforting word

The only oasis amid barren deserts

Every bitter cup

Worldly losses

Run to this heavenly Father

Do not be afraid

The Lord will provide

We are lifted up in the arms of omnipotence

A beloved child—watched over, cared for, supplied and defended

Away with every idol

They were once like us—sorrowing, suffering, sinning

We have a brother in Heaven

God's child

I will be their God

The omnipotent God is your God

Find rest, O my soul, in God alone

Return unto your rest, O my soul

A book for the unsuccessful

The comforts of grace and godliness

Your sins, and errors, and follies

In the great game of existence

How great then, is the blessedness of true believers

The Savior's abiding presence with His redeemed people

Prayer for a time of bereavement

When God thwarts, afflicts, and mortifies us

My portion

Rich to all eternity!

Are you as a bruised flower?

Oh it is a sweet and holy life

The only happy man in the world

To wean you from a poor, unsatisfying world

All things work together for good

Your weeping, aching, languid head!

Happy beyond conception

My Father, God

A tiny insect at the door of My all-sufficiency

An almighty Watcher, a sleepless Guardian, a faithful Friend

It is far better to dwell in a poor cottage

Half bewildered by the thought

Your cup of the curse

My own special treasure


When the tears trickled down His blessed face

He will guide us to the end of the journey

A life of simple, active, and absolute dependence on Jesus

Whining and whimpering?

Put all the 'creatures' into a cup

Your exceedingly great reward

The refuge

Our only refuge in sorrow

The grand secret of daily comfort in Christianity

There is one stable rock amidst the billows of the sea of life

Mysteries and perplexities

God bottles every tear

We see hands and feet and side, all pouring forth crimson streams of precious blood

If you saw Christ standing beside you all the time

Let this comfort you:

Be strong and courageous

Martin Luther's favorite preacher

He who counts the stars

I will never leave you nor forsake you

Fully, completely and perfectly

My times are in Your hand

Weaned and divorced from creature help

Who are they, and from where did they come?

God deals mysteriously with me

The consolations of Jesus

As though it had never been

Worm Jacob!

An infant's breath might blow it out!

However low we may sink

A double Hell!

What an unspeakable mercy to have such a Father

The great secret

The Lord's care of His people

Don't be afraid

There is room for you there amid the countless ones who fly to it for consolation, safety, and repose

Nevertheless, I am continually with You

Fly to Jesus

All, all is ours

This alone is the vexed soul's refuge

My portion!

They are new every morning

An elastic promise

Rest in the Lord

He restores the fainting, the dying and the dead!

God's chisel and hammer

Untried, untrodden, and unknown!

True riches and honor

Endless, sinless, sorrowless immortality

My own special treasure

There is nothing too trivial

The sole occupant of this boundless universe

It is I

I would carry all to Him as one great lump of sin

People with sore and bruised hearts!

There are many devices in a man's heart


Too wise a physician to make any mistakes

Oh, you who want unfailing comfort

It is like the passing cloud on the summer's day

The Great Artist's chisel

Our clumsy hands

The great Sympathizer

While journeying through this wilderness of troubles!

Safe in the Almighty Shepherd's hands

What will He do with the lambs?

Weary mariner on life's tempestuous ocean

When disappointed in the creature

Weary and footsore, panting, and burdened

My heart leaps within me

We seem to see a child without a single care

All that He has, and all that He is, is theirs

You hold me by my right hand

As we grow older

The inexhaustible treasures of His grace

All that can possibly want

This ever-present Christ

The broken fragments of a life

The handkerchief

You keep track of all my sorrows

The common complaint

The richest man in the world

Cast your care upon Him who cares for you

Such a Father is ours

Carry your troubled heart to Jesus!

God's children run home when the storm comes on!

It is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom

Wondrous it truly is

God shall surely visit you!

Oh it is a sweet and holy life

He has a bottle for that tear

Their tears are all in His bottle

He carries the lambs in his bosom

Our portion

God is for you

I am poor and needy

Lift up your heads, you poor, you needy, you disconsolate

It is their Father's hand which chastens them

You are My friends

He always gives sufficient grace

In love He blessed us with all spiritual blessings

He can extract pleasure out of pain


Lay your head on His bosom and disclose your deepest sorrow

While we sojourn in this world

The inexhaustible treasures of His grace!

Yes, Father

Bring your wounded heart

Malady and remedy

The one unfailing source of help and comfort

The days of your mourning shall be ended!

He will not forget the lambs

Sovereign, supreme disposal

Sufficient to each day

Does Christ think on me? Does He notice me? Does He love me?

The Shield

Grace denial?

Those everlasting arms!

A life of daily dependence on God

I am with you always!

He can say no more

Dying grace and strength

Refuge for the soul

It is I!

If more were good for me

All these foes and fears!

Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?

Honor, wealth, and pleasure lose their charms

He will carry the lambs in His arms

Do not be afraid, for I am with you

We shall have some hard climbing in our upward journey

This God is our God forever and ever

What are the ephemeral distinctions of earth?

The time is short—our obligations are unspeakably great—and Heaven will make amends for all

He will sustain us so that we may carry it

Does God know me?

Green pastures

The secret of true happiness!

I am a wayward foolish child

One Day at a Time

Have you ever been caught in this snare?

Surely God is good to Israel—to those who are pure in heart

Just because He disposes all things

God judges His people

Christian joy

Isaiah 41:10

Our almighty helper

What is your sorrow?

The never-failing Fountain of blessing

This unravels the mystery

Alone with Jesus

Throw yourself into His very arms

By-and-by the old man died, and the widow was left alone

You have not yet come to the rest and the inheritance which the Lord your God is giving you

There is but one, abiding, unchanging Sympathizer

We shall only sink into the everlasting arms

Comfort in the cloudy and dark day

His treasured possession

I know my sheep

A balm for every wound, a cordial for every care

Polishing the stones

What could we do in this wilderness world?

Kings in disguise!

The God of the broken-hearted

Fly to Jesus

What do you need?

Our burdens

Take both sorrow and sin to the same place

Poverty & Wealth

All is well

How is affliction a blessing?

An ever-present help in times of trouble

The sweeping away of our earthly hopes

Rich to all eternity

Clear views of Christ's priestly office and intercession

If we were more occupied

Better to have sorrow and poverty?

A staggering thought

The richest man in the universe!

The weak, the sick, the burdened, the little ones of His flock.

A system of divine and unfailing consolation

I will be with you

His ear is ever open to your cry

My child, have you any food?

He has all comforts at His disposal

As though it had never been!

God's Hand and Heart

All the fickleness, sinfulness, and unworthiness!

The birds and lilies teach me better

Lord, how can we know the way?

Their resources are very limited—His are infinite

Leaning upon her Beloved

My child,

If we are in any of these prisons

Completely healed

What an angel's tongue never can unfold

The year before our eyes

Sweet truth is this

When they are twisted out of my hand

The everlasting arms

Creature idolatry

Bring your sorrows to Me

This divine secret

Lay it upon the heart pierced by the soldier's lance

Sea of bliss, ocean of delight

GOD with us

Who can be against us?

However low we may sink

God's promises

Our Almighty Friend

Your Almighty Friend

Without a bottom

God keeps a tear-bottle

His mercy is a boundless, fathomless, endless ocean

Good News for Pilgrims

Amid all the confusion and tangle

Who holds whom?

The highest class in the school of Christ

But for this one day of life, which is already half over

A mother may forget

An almighty personal Friend

Weep not Grieve not Fear not Tremble not

The strongest Christian

Changeful and chequered?

There is no friend like Christ

An ever-present help in times of trouble!

The life-buoy

Who touched Me?

Love, Jesus

Alas how we forget

Our little matters

Christians have unfailing grounds of satisfaction and contentment


I am a pilgrim in the world, but at home in my God

The religion of JOY

We must not expect much in this base world

God is my Shepherd

Fit for the Bride

All comes from the hand of Him who is too wise to err and too loving to be unkind

The Complaint

Amidst the multitude of supplicants who daily and hourly present their various petitions

What do you depend on?

His Heaven mine—my Hell His

Its tones fall like soothing music on the quivering heart

Life comes to us in such little bits

My portion

Little children...

Later you will understand

Let us bear this in mind, and take comfort in it

Beloved, soon, O how soon

Cheer up

Nevertheless I am continually with You

Our refuge


Your burden is on His shoulder

I will give you rest

This is my infirmity

My sheep

Lord, let me be a pure stream

I know everything about every one of them

Broken, trampled, torn

The supplies of His grace and mercy are unexhausted and exhaustless

Little children, abide in him

Though we do not know where the road winds—we know where it ends

The happiness of the believer

Tenderly and graciously does He deal with us

I am God's child

The substance, the essence, the fullness of all holy joy

We travel through this intricate wilderness

God notices

We do not know what we might have been

Certainly I will be with you

The Christian & the cross

Come what may

Perfect peace

One Day at a Time!


A quiet heart...

He takes away our props



You keep track of all my sorrows

Worth ten thousand worlds

Wearied, torn, and half expiring

But a little while, and I am there

Muddy streams and broken, leaky cisterns

Take all to Jesus

God will dry your tears

Our extremity

All our little cares

The end of God in all His doings and dealings

Romans 8:28

Why are you cast down, O my soul?

Look up


There is one hovering around you each moment

This man receives sinners!

Our journey is drawing to an end


True comfort

God will never fail you

A filthy and deformed thing

The humblest, poorest, and most despised child of God

That magic name

Microscopic love

Does He feed His birds, and will He starve His babes?

It will make you doubly happy, even in this life

What strange beings are these?

The sympathy of Jesus

Where God sees but a little grace


Speak Lord, for Your servant is listening

Hear the voice of love in the rod

Two sets of cups

True happiness

Inexpressible sweetness

Our Pilot

We are Christ's

God's children run home when the storm comes on

In his hands

Oh, how pleasant to lean upon an almighty arm

Strong, immutable, and eternal

Blessed is the man

Better an ounce of divine grace

Comfort, safety, strength, holiness

In whose hand?

Suck the sweetness out of it

Oh that I were as in months past

Guilty, weak, helpless, ignorant, naked and filthy

Too wise to err and too good to be unkind

How blessed is my condition

Comfort in all your trouble

He cares for you


Peace in trouble...


What will it matter?


There is no such thing as luck, chance, or accident, in the journey of our life

Let the sweetness entice you

Sufficient strength


Dearly bought

Our Tears


Nevertheless I am continually with You

The pearl

You see my desires...

We are very weak...


God's eyes are on us


My weary heart...

Indeed, my dear friend, these are sovereign blessings


The place of comfort


God on the neck of a sinner


Daily grace

The masterpiece of all promises

I will strengthen you!

Daily mercies...

No matter what corner I go around on the winding road of life

Care of our feet

Our refuge and strength


He will warm, soften, and fill it with His love

The jewels of God


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