An easy HellCould we look into the lake of fire!
A medicine essential for our spiritual health and happiness
The school of spiritual knowledge
Should we not be prepared to kiss it?
The mother and daughter die on one bed, and are buried in one grave
The Presence of God with the Afflicted
Puritan gems on the blessings of affliction
I cannot be so unreasonable as to expect two Heavens
Let my condition be ever so dark and sad and afflicted!
Even amidst the storms of life!
We are apt to measure His wisdom, by the faulty line of our own reason!
God weighs and measures, bounds and ordains, my sorrows!
We would not be so perplexed by the mysteries of our lives
It takes a long and painful process to purge it out!
How are we to obtain a sweet submission to God's afflictive providences?
We must always look to the eternal outcome!
They are all carefully selected—and divinely directed
The first lesson in the school of tribulation
When the knife cuts deep and the pain is sore
The searching, burning, purifying fires of Christ's furnace
A striking solution of Samson's riddle
All the afflictions of God's people
The sufferings of this present time!
God separates the sin which He hates—from the soul which He loves
Home, sweet home! There is no place like home!
It is needful that we pass through the furnace of affliction
I would have been perfectly submissive
When they are twisted out of my hand
Consider the hand of the Lord in your affliction
God washes and scours, trains and nurtures them
He loves us too well to promise that
Oh what a pillow on which to rest your aching head
God knows best what cross we need to bear
When He has tried me—I shall come forth as gold
These petty troubles and vexations
They are not intended for our pleasure, but for our profit
He goes to the forest, and chooses the most suitable 'rod' to correct us
Everything is necessary—Nothing is necessary
He will not spare the pruning knife if He sees that we need it
Whenever our heavenly Father uses the rod of correction
I perceive that your heavenly Father has again put you into the furnace
You have been long a-gathering rust
God does not deal with us in this 'sentimental' way
Man is born to trouble as surely as sparks fly upward
Afflicted, tormented, and destroyed
We also rejoice in our afflictions
In that hand which was once bored and nailed to the cross for your redemption!
I asked the Lord, that I might grow
The true recipe for miserable existence is this:
All our afflictions are appointed by our loving heavenly Father!
Therefore it is that He withers our gourds and breaks our cisterns
How deplorably mistaken you are
The world's pleasures are often curses in disguise
Sickness, trials and disappointments!
Our blessings are always greater than our trials
Divine punishment—or divine chastisement?
If only we could but read the writing!
Weary mariner on life's tempestuous ocean
The greatest blessing on this side of Heaven
There is divine wisdom in every trial, and divine love in every cross
He saw that they were in serious trouble!
God makes no mistakes in dealing with His children
The sovereign decrees and allotments of Your infinite wisdom
Lord, I thank you for shaking me
He actually chooses affliction
All the children of God have a cross to carry
Think seriously of this, and be thankful
As your days—so shall your strength be
There is not one thing that thwarts your will, that is not in God's will
All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth
Storms and tempests, whirlwinds and hurricanes
What is to be our resource in the hour of affliction and sorrow?
We shall lose nothing but our dross
Do not expect a smooth and easy path
In the day of adversity, consider!
God's school for His children!
You are the one who has done this!
Sin has introduced great misery and universal disorder into the world
If chastisement were not necessary
Even while frowns seem to cover His face, and the rod is seen in His hand
Any moment we may be stricken down
When I am weak, then I am strong
All things work together for good
The grace of God exempts no one from trouble
A sedative to all sorrows—and a solace under all sharp afflictions
Oh, that I had the wings of a dove
Is this all I get—after so much trouble?
Affliction prepared for and improved
His most afflictive dispensations
Then they hiss and spit their venom
The hand of God is in every trial, trouble, and disappointment
Practice-lessons in the application of the theories of Christian life
His love uses the rod—as well as gives the kiss
The Beneficent Design of Affliction
The goal of living in this world
Indeed, he is in trouble—but he is not in Hell
Perhaps, while we are admiring our gourd
God shoots many kinds of arrows
These smaller trials which God prepares for us
He who gave, has an undoubted right to take away
We are but learning Job's lesson
Fiery trials make golden Christians
The questions should rather be
It took the baby out of the young mother's arms the other night!
In short, all must drink of the bitter cup!
If you attempt to enthrone the creature
Correcting in love—not smiting in wrath
The one is drawn in pomp to hell—while the other swims in tears to heaven
The heaviest afflictions on this side hell
Thank Him for His prescription
A cross of their own choosing!
The trials and sufferings of the godly!
O the blessed chemistry of heaven
All the Hell that you shall ever have
All the Hell that you shall ever have!
What a mercy—to be out of Hell
Every man has a heaven and a hell
Shall we complain? Shall we repine? Shall we murmur?
Affliction is a bitter root, but it bears sweet fruit
It is better to be preserved in
brine—than to rot in honeyEvery sorrow and trouble of our earthly pilgrimage
The thorn is still left to pierce and lacerate
And then the Lord puts us into the furnace!
To many people—life is very hard
This was not the pleasant life which these two dreamed of on their wedding day
A remedy against all our trouble
The only fire which will burn away the dross
When He comes to us in the garb of pain or sorrow
He must set our barley field on fire
Evidences & results of sanctified affliction
The last pang, and groan, and tear
He who holds the pruning-knife
He who holds the pruning-knife!
Trials, Troubles & Afflictions
The end will make amends for all
Sickness, disease, decay, and death
Corrosives to eat out the proud flesh
You will have many trials and sorrows
The daughter helps to destroy the mother
In the profound depth of affliction
You have no reason to complain
It is their Father's hand that chastens them
There is an end to all your troubles, trials, and temptations
Too wise to err—and too loving to be unkind!
Fuel to your lusts, and quenchers of your graces
He was still a-pointing at the toads in their bosoms
The master-strokes of the Divine Artist
You are the one who has done this
The cost of all truly helpful and holy living
When you find 'thorns' in your path
The Friend of His people in distress
Are you a distressed believer?
Our momentary light affliction
My Father, pity your foolish child
But our coward flesh shrinks from them
Has He put you so many times into the furnace?
He cannot err—and He cannot be unkind
I am a very dull scholar in Christ's school
This makes us prize the gospel, embrace the Savior, and fly to his cross
Every new trial, and every fresh cross
You have them because you need them
A tiny insect at the door of My all-sufficiency
This trouble from which you are now suffering
I will refine them like silver and purify them like gold
Will worrying make matters any better?
Some years ago I heard an allegory which I have never forgotten
The soil where graces thrive best
His unwearied care and concern
There is no 'chance' in God's world
Through the agonies of great trial
Not made of feathers, nor lined with velvet
All trials, all temptations, all strippings, all emptyings
We are tossed upon an ocean of troubles, fears and temptations
To wean you from a poor, unsatisfying world
The darling child whom we love so much lies dead in our arms!
Why are you cast down, O my soul?
These difficulties . . .
Poor, moping, dejected creatures
When our path is strewed with roses
When God thwarts, afflicts, and mortifies us
God is at the root of our sufferings
The chisel and mallet of affliction
To keep me from getting puffed up
Only one hand can ease the trouble
The Lord sometimes flogs His children home
The disciple is in God's school
We do not know what is best for us
My dear wife has been quite ill
He can crawl like a serpent, and he can roar like a lion
He has given me a cup of deep sorrow to drink
There are many devices in a man's heart
God takes a safe course with His children
Living in a world full of disease and death
It is the hand of Him who was crucified
All His corrections are sent in love
There are many crosses, and every one of them is sore and heavy
A poor shoemaker in his dreary little shop
Some heavy, painful, yet concealed cross?
This stillness and silence befits us
This is a plank which upholds the sinking heart
The knife of the heavenly Surgeon
A great bundle of sticks far too large for us to lift
Some of you will be cast into the furnace
The toiling, the tempted, and the sorrowing
A place of spiritual refreshment
The Shepherd knows what pastures are best
Nothing noble is attained easily
Amid the sorrows and trials of the world
Surrounded with trouble at almost every step
Precious fruits of sanctified affliction
Our little trials, little cares, little needs, little sorrows
We live on an enchanted ground, and are surrounded with snares
The medicine The knife Your song
The wounded and wounding hand of the Savior
What a pillow on which to rest my aching head
It is their Father's hand which chastens them
The golden idol is but clay after all
Dyed in the purple stream of His own heart's blood
But the choice is in better hands!
The godly man's crosses, losses & sorrows
But, alas We are poor creatures
Are you, beloved, walking in the midst of trouble?
Oh be submissive, meek, and quiet
Just because He disposes all things
CALAMITIES—Chance, Fate, Satan or Predestination?
Passing through the valley of weeping
This is strange food to reason
Hear the voice of love in the rod
A measure of trials is necessary
Call Him 'Father' in the furnace!
Every tear that falls upon the pallid face of sorrow
Faith pulls the black mask from the face of trouble
Should a frog croak out a compliment to a toad?
The problem of living in this world
The afflictions the Lord sends on His people
Trials are necessary to wean us from the world
A balm for every wound, a cordial for every care
There is something fascinating in GRIEF
Infinite wisdom has appointed the whole
The purpose of all our sorrow and trouble
A black messenger loaded with treasure
Tribulations, difficulties, and disappointments
He will not spoil His child by sparing His rod
Would we really rather have things our way?
See here the evil of murmuring and complaining at our lot in the world
What He takes from me, I gain most by
Your recent sickness had a voice
Oh, welcome sorrow welcome suffering
Afflicted one, you cannot believe it now
I can assure her that her child shall certainly recover
You have lately been in the furnace
The benefits of sickness (part 1)
The benefits of sickness (part 2)
The sharp arrows of affliction
Have we not leaned upon a thousand things?
Too wise to err and too good to be unkind
Losses, adversities, afflictions, griefs
Sweet affliction Sweet affliction
Carve the image of Christ on the wall of your heart
My leanness, my leanness, woe unto me
No storms, assaults, sieges, or pestilences
An amazing reverse of circumstances
The afflictions of the ungodly
All the houses in this plague stricken land
The Lord has just removed my dear lovely boy
The general cause of all suffering
A Compassionate High Priest and a Throne of Grace
Trials, chastenings, afflictions...
They must be burned into us with the hot iron of affliction
Troubles, troubles, troubles...
Afflictions are the mother of virtue...
The end of God in all His doings and dealings
Wilt Thou pursue Thy worm to death?
Words of Consolation, Pardon, and Hope, for the Tried and Sorrowful
Our afflictions proceed from God's heart
Lessons of Peace in the School of Affliction
Choice Consolation for the Suffering Saints
Comfort for the Desponding—Words to Soothe and Cheer Troubled Hearts
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Grace Gems
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