The Trojan horse!If a man carried a bag of gunpowder with him
If they cannot have a fresh dish from Satan's kitchen!
There are 'Jebusites' in every Christian heart
We must hew our Agags to pieces!
All the devils in Hell, and all tempters on earth
Look at it—there is blood still upon the handle
They put the nickels and the pennies in the collection plate
A bird that is tied by a string!
That dagger which stabbed the Savior's heart to death
A sin-expelling power over our lives
It is the only way in which I can ever kill it
Shall we fondle the adder, or press the deadly cobra to our bosom?
A few, easy, or gentle strokes
This is the knife that cut the throat of your child
The tiny hair, the spark, the screw
The situation in which she died is instructive:
From Delilah's lap—to Abraham's bosom
They are the willing, abject slaves of what is called amusement
Christ's presence—and sin's presence!
We get entangled with some idol
A child can crush a serpent's egg
As you tear yourself from the encircling arms of the enchantress
Be thankful, my dear, that he treats you as his enemy!
There is a perilous progress in sin
It all started with a talking serpent!
Such likeness between men and swine!
We are as moths near a burning candle
Every feature of this hideous monster
It seems to me that young ladies have many suitors for their hand
The greatness of the sin of gluttony
Do not pay too dear for a feast for worms
He took special pains to fetch them out, and hang them up
The devil's apple has a bitter core
This is the knife which cut the throat of your dear child
He and Bacchus were rolling in the gutter together
Nibbling at Satan's golden baits
As if we saw two shining eyes looking on us out of the darkness!
They could burn—but they could not turn
Give the devil and sin an inch
The temptation, and the opportunity
Buffeted by Satan's temptations!
Then she pounded the tent peg through his head
The most subtle, stubborn, and tenacious foe
Some secret sin has long been eating its way to the heart!
The eye gazes—the ear hearkens—the foot tarries—the heart desires—the hand takes—man falls
Who can come out of the battle alive?
Oh that I could behold my bleeding Lord with a weeping eye
The old serpent is almost sure to be lurking in our path!
Thomas Watson's choice quotes on affliction
Silently entwining their invisible threads into a cable
It is never safe to make pets of tigers!
They want to keep just as near to Sodom as possible!
I am the Devil—I am a deceiver, I will lead you into Hell
We shall always find him at church
By every means she endeavored to entice him
No wonder if Satan get into the saddle
Not allowing the inclination to sin—and the opportunity to sin, to meet
My subtlest and strongest enemies are within myself!
This wretched state of sin and temptation
It pierces and winds itself into every corner and chink
Far better that the serpent should be discovered and brought out into the light of day
This will hold you back from a thousand evils
Lest Madam Bubble bewitch them with her vile suggestions!
We are not ignorant of his schemes
Lost unregenerate men know nothing of this struggle
Satan warms himself at the fire
The sword which wounds the red dragon
Like a ball and chain around his ankle
Be acquainted with the whole range of sensual desires
They play with fire—and wonder why they are burned!
Freedom from the dominion of sin
Not whom he may bite—but devour
Dance and dine with the devil!
It would make him pull his hat over his eyes
Have you learned your lesson so badly?
The consciousness of all our infirmities, our inward lusts, and our utter helplessness
Nibbling at Satan's golden baits
The Christian's compass and chart, by which he is steered safely over the tempestuous ocean of life
First she looked—and then she lusted
Linked together with adamantine chains
The cockatrice must be crushed
I would soon fall into gross sins
If this cockatrice is not crushed in the egg
Instead of lodging the lion and the leopard and the wolf!
Tempting, seductive, dangerous and ruinous
This lion of hell is ever hunting after his prey
But who is our greatest enemy?
Satan promises the best—but pays with the worst
I once learned a precious lesson from a little girl
The only weapon to fight sin with
He who walks by Scripture rule
Lord, I feel my own utter helplessness
Have you not brought this on yourselves?
This is the very knife that cut the throat of your child
Painted pleasures, sugared poisons, envenomed baits
Soul-killing plots, devices, stratagems & machinations
Were we left wholly in its hands
The poor creature went on eating the cheese
A man too big for temptations to conquer
An excessive anxiety about the innocent things of this life
Some secret sin has long been eating its way to the heart
Keep yourselves out of the filthy puddle of this world
He never lacks an apple for an Eve
What a battlefield is the heart
Such a perpetual and unceasing conflict?
What are all the gilded toys of time?
Under the influence of strong temptation
We have wolves in our own hearts
Looking for some victim to devour
That restless, invisible, subtle, experienced enemy
What a treacherous foe dwells in our bosom
The slippery and insidious nature of vice
An apple in exchange for a paradise
It will come in at every chink and crevice
Can they beat back this monster to his filthy den?
Let us make thorough work of it
Friend, can you understand my riddle?
The sins and slips of the saints
One sin, trifled with—tampered with
The slimy trail and the deadly venom of the serpent
The tempting worms hanging on the lips of the old serpent the devil
Eternity with all its magnitudes
Avoid light, trifling professors of religion
The way to escape from the power of sin
The strong man sinks down into a babe
The path of spiritual declension
The more secret and delusive lusts?
We shall always find him at Church
The best course to prevent falling into the pit
Those spears that pierced Christ
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Grace Gems
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