Those spears that pierced Christ!
(Thomas Brooks)
1. To hate sin is not merely to refrain from sin-for so Balaam did, even then when he was tempted to it. (Numbers 22).
2. To hate sin is not merely to confess sin-for so Pharaoh and Judas did. (Exodus 10:16, Matthew 27:4).
3. To hate sin is not merely to be afraid to sin-for this may be where the hatred of sin is not.
4. To hate sin is not merely to mourn because of the dreadful effects and fruits that sin may produce-for so Ahab did, and the Ninevites did.
He who fears sin for Hell-fears not to sin, but to burn!
He hates sin indeed-who hates sin as Hell itself!
A holy man knows that all sin strikes at . . .
the holiness of God,
the glory of God,
the nature of God,
the being of God,
and the law of God.
Therefore his heart rises against all sin. He looks upon every sin as . . .
the Scribes and Pharisees who accused Christ;
that Judas who betrayed Christ;
that Pilate who condemned Christ;
those soldiers who scourged Christ;
those spears that pierced Christ!