Every feature of this hideous monster!
(Thomas Charles, "Sanctification" 1838)
Meditation on the sufferings and death of Jesus, produces a hatred towards sin.
It was sin which made it necessary for the Lord of glory to come down from Heaven and take on Him the form of a servant. Sin was the cause of His deep humiliation, abasement and sufferings. Viewing sin through the cross-the believer abhors it, and regards it with perfect hatred. He therefore diligently strives against it, and strenuously resists Satan, from whose iron chains he could never have been delivered, had it not been for the death of the Son of God.
Sin will never appear in its own deformity and horrid nature-until we see it in its effects in the Son of God-until we "behold the Lamb of God" bearing our sin on the cruel tree. Christ crucified, like a magnifying glass-exhibits to view every feature of this hideous monster!
'Anything rather than sin!' is the language of the Christian's heart!
"A bleeding Savior I have viewed-and now I hate my sin!" John Newton
"Look to the cross, and hate your sin-for sin nailed your Well-Beloved to the accursed tree!" Charles Spurgeon