For PASTORS only!

"Be an example to all believers in what you teach, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity." 1 Timothy 4:12

"A preacher's life should be a commentary of his doctrine; his practice should be a counterpart of  his sermons. Heavenly doctrines should always be adorned with a heavenly life." Thomas Brooks

"We preach to people who must live forever . . .
   in Heaven — or Hell;
   with God — or devils;
   in an eternity of joy — or of torment"
Thomas Doolittle

"Watch your life and doctrine closely." 1 Timothy 4:16

"An over-attachment to human learning has been the very bane of vital, spiritual, experimental godliness" John Newton

"The chief means for attaining wisdom and suitable gifts and graces for the Christian ministry, are the Holy Scriptures and prayer." John Newton

"A faithful preacher is a rare creature. And, like a diamond, as precious as he is rare." Spurgeon

"A word to a minister, is worth a word to three or four thousand souls sometimes." M'Cheyne

"There is not a sermon which is heard—but it sets us nearer to Heaven or Hell" John Preston, puritan

"The preaching of the Word is that lattice where Jesus looks forth and shows Himself to His saints." Thomas Watson

"Preaching is that ordinance of God, sanctified for the begetting of faith, for the opening of the understanding, and for the drawing of the will and affections to Christ." Richard Sibbes

"Sound doctrine and holy living are the marks of true pastors." J.C. Ryle

The lives of ministers oftentimes convince more strongly than their words. Their tongues may persuade—but their lives command" Thomas Brooks

A man ought to preach only that which he has learned from God, in the secret exercise of prayer, and in meditation on the Scriptures." Quesnel, 1634-1719

"Much reading and thinking may make a popular minister. But it takes much secret prayer to make a powerful preacher." John Berridge

"Preaching that costs nothing accomplishes nothing." J.H. Jowett

Feeding Sheep or Amusing Goats?

For God's sake do not trifle with us!

Pastoral Counsels

Personal ambition hinders Christian life and ministry

Pithy Puritan gems for pastors

A faithful minister!

A faithful minister

That irresponsible, amusement-mad paganized pseudo-religion

What is most needed today

Ministerial Confessions

Pastoral Counsels

Our sins at the seminary

Ministerial pride

I bequeath my pastor's soul to the devil

Some ministers appear offended if their authority is questioned

He grew prayerless, unwatchful, self-confident, worldly and proud

Wise Counsel for Preachers

It will even make the cross of Christ — a pedestal on which to erect its deformed visage

An essay on the character of the apostle Paul, considered as an example and pattern of a minister of Jesus Christ

Reverend Doctor!

The Christian Ministry

A rare creature

The characteristics of the modern Christian pulpit

Ministerial Duties Stated and Enforced

Eminent Holiness Essential to an Efficient Ministry

Pastoral admonitions

An ignorant, profane, and soul-flattering clergy

One grand secret of the strength of the ministry

A jelly-fish Christianity

Souls are perishing — and ministers are amusing them

The poor worm is secretly indulging self-applause!

We might as well preach to stone walls

Often with his lips, and always by his life!

They have often destroyed, by their daily lives — the whole work of their lips

We all naturally love to have a pope of our own

What's wrong with preaching today?

Simplicity in Preaching

Christ, the example of ministers

Flesh-pleasing pulpit opiates

Like priest, like people

My desire is . . .

As he snuffs the gale of popular applause

Snatched out of the very jaws of the devil

Tied to their minister's apron strings

The sword of God's truth

Our obstacles

The Master taught me this in the washing of the disciples' feet

Your life preaches all the week

Murder all his hearers at once

God's servants do not promote themselves

Do not judge a minister . . .

A minister's confession

Such weather vane preachers are worthless

Paid loafers and social parasites

An iceberg in the Church

How few have singleness of eye to God's glory

The worst enemy of mankind

Ministerial Directions

No 'reverence' is due to me

The four giant-killers of preachers

For the 'Reverends'

Self-elevated little popes!

Unholy ministers

One of the most loathsome sights in the world

The blindness of ministers

Like coins from the same mint!

The ablest minister

We need laborers, not loiterers!

High offices in the church

The art of preaching

A bad sign 

Pastoral Exhortations

An apostolic face and a Judas heart

The faults of great men

The most learned and profound theologian

On just such husks do the religious swine feed

It is not better preaching

Sawing off its corners, or by polishing, varnishing, and adorning it

Philpot's letter of resignation from the Church of England

Philpot on TIPTAFT

Philpot on GADSBY

Philpot on WARBURTON

The noblest ecclesiastical edifice

A coward's castle

Accomplished actors

The only smile worth having

Your life preaches all the week

Let me tell you, the Devil has his ministers

Are you seeking great things for yourself?

They are helpers to the cause of the devil

Pride, self-conceit, and self-exaltation

If Mr. Pride gets a wound in the head

The one who most profits me

A sad motley mixture

Ministers are often desirous of . . .

So deplorable a state

He never sought to amuse them

Loaf, putter, play, doze and run about

As long as preachers allow their sermons to be dictated by public sentiment or the worldly desires of their hearers

The A and the Z

Mr. Evans

Doubly severe

True Christian ministry

The best kind of preaching

Spiritual Leadership

Half the diseases of Christianity

Peace, peace

Preaching is not child's play

Where, O where?

The Life of a Minister

Behold my talents, my eloquence, and my zeal

The best of men are only men at their very best

The devil's old delusion

When the Father of Lies enters the pulpit with a Bible under his arm

Man-made ministers

Among the preachers of the day

What a lesson is here for ministers

No child's play

Serving with ulterior motives


The best service...

More scarce and precious than a bar of gold

Life, death, and hell, and worlds unknown

A filthy, stinking bag of worms

The best sermons

Solemn words to ministers


Familiarity with sacred things

How to fill your church

The greatest disservice

Our chief aim

The original Hebrew and Greek

One of a preacher's first duties

The Urgent Need For Reformation in Pastoral Ministry

Dislike to Ministerial Faithfulness Stated and Explained

Micah's Complaint

Church Leaders & The Use of Honorific Titles

Trifling, pedantic criticisms upon 'words'


The best man in the church

What are the marks of a true shepherd?

The unfaithful preacher

I sometimes imagine I could make a perfect minister

The best way to run the goats out of the church

A Word for Pastors

Prosperity, personality and popularity

The Love of Souls, a Necessary
Qualification for the Ministerial Office

What is a successful ministry?

Pastoral Exhortations

Meditations on Preaching

An Earnest Ministry (book by J. A. James)

The Reformed Pastor (book by Richard Baxter)

The cultivation of personal piety

Ministerial Directions

Lessons from my first pastorate

Frequent Change of Ministers

Are Seminaries Legitimate?


The Danger of an Unconverted Ministry!

The Ministerial Office



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