"Repentance is the tear of love, dropping from the eye of faith, when it fixes on Christ crucified!" Gorham Abbott 

A solemn sham and an impudent mockery! 

The godly man weeps

A holy antipathy against sin

My unstable soul

Clasp that cross

What Lord! After all that I have done?

There are nails in that cross!

They would dance with the devil all day—and then dine with Christ at night 

The best means to mortify sin!

You would pity me indeed!

Let them alone

Would he not stab it with a thousand wounds?

When Satan has sucked out all the marrow

God bottles them! 

If you were to meet yourself on the street some morning!

A very delicate thing

Where is there a more sinful spot to be found upon our guilty globe?

The nails which pierced Christ's hands

Lord, smite this sin!

Our tears of penitence cannot remove one blot

The Delilah in the bosom!

Crush its viper head with the heel of our boot!

Loathsome thoughts

Sodom will be better off

The curtain-sinner!

The harlot in your bosom!

Crucify your sins

Sailing through the narrow strait of repentance

The sorrow of the world

One sin lived in!

One sin allowed, wallowed and tumbled in

If any ingredient is left out

Take both sorrow and sin — to the same place

The sweetest joys are from the sourest tears

Nothing is so filthy, so impure, so loathsome

Godly men weep

Blissful exchange

Stupid creature

Too choice a flower to grow in nature's garden!

One puddle, if we wallow in it

It will soften a stone

Oh, the atrocity of the sin of a pardoned soul

A self-loather

Right hands and right eyes are dear to us

If he sees this serpent creeping into his bosom

Take these three spears

Night after night my feet are begrimed and soiled

Like a concealed worm at the root of a flower

Where shall we hide our blushing face? 

When we are lepers in our own eyes

The Christian's heaviest burden

What is repentance?

Take out every stain!

Godly sorrow

If we fall as Peter fell

A choice mercy

A tear dropping from the eye of faith

Like a splinter in his eye

Tears have a voice

Ask him now how he likes his bargain

He loves the things that once he hated

Take me as I am with all my sin and shame

He waits to fall upon our neck and kiss us

All tears of godly sorrow drop from the eye of faith

That voice of love

A weeping creature

Those vipers die at the sight of Christ

Nothing but the cross

Oh lovely posture

I cannot be trusted for one moment

Godly sorrow

Ask what you will, O Christian

The damned in hell would be most penitent

Little sins

The greatest burden, sorrow and trouble

A striking peculiarity

The great design of God

Cain, Esau, Saul, Ahab, Judas

You cannot weary nor wear Him out

As if this beautiful viper had no poison fang

True Repentance

Oh, what a picture

Death-bed repentance

Have you, my reader, wept for sin?


The smallest viper in the nest of your heart!

Self dies

The Godly person weeps

But he must leave his riotous living, his wine-cup, his debauchery in the far country

The sins of our most holy things

Take our sins to God


Is not Ephraim still my son, my darling child?

There must be a divorce

A very little sin

Now I hate my sins

Two inseparable companions

The chief burden of the Lord's children

Love, Jesus

Bible knowledge without repentance

He might well have smote it

Come back


All sins

A torch to light people to Hell

Repentance & Faith



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