Spurgeon no man can do me a truer kindness.


No man can do me a truer kindness, than to  ____  ___  __.

By Charles Spurgeon

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Ephesians 6:18, " . . . always keep on praying for all the Lord's people!"

Intercessory prayer
is a vital and powerful spiritual practice. It is an essential part of the Christian life, modeled throughout Scripture as an act of love and compassion towards others, and obedience to God.

This selfless act of praying for other believers, reflects the compassionate heart of Christ, who constantly intercedes for His redeemed people. This sacred duty of intercessory prayer is a tangible way for believers to demonstrate Christ-like love, and to bear one another's burdens.

Intercession is perhaps the greatest way we can help other Christians. Let us never be slack in it.

Earnest intercession will be sure to bring love with it. I do not believe you can hate a man for whom you habitually pray. If you dislike any fellow Christian, pray for him doubly, not only for his sake, but for your own, that you may be cured of all unkind feelings.

Love is the cement on which the living stones of the church should be laid, if they are to be united together. I ascribe lack of brotherly love, to the decline of intercessory prayer. Pray for one another earnestly, habitually and fervently--and you will knit your hearts together in love.

Dear brethren, when you pray for one another, not only will your sympathy and love grow, but you will have kinder judgments concerning one another. Prayer is a wondrous blender of hearts, and a mighty creator of love.

I urge you, my brethren, if there is any member of this church who has treated you unkindly--then revenge yourself upon him by praying for him more constantly and more earnestly.

Intercessory prayer is one of the holiest, and most heavenly exercises in which a devout man can possibly be occupied.

Oh, let us be done with murmurings and complainings, criticisms and fault-finding, and take the whole of it up to the mercy-seat. If half the breath that is vainly spent in censorious complaints were turned into intercession, there would be much more holiness in the church!

For myself personally, I say that no man can do me a truer kindness, than to pray for me.

"As for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by failing to pray for you!" 1 Samuel 12:23