"Prayer is a sincere, sensible, affectionate pouring out of the soul to God, through Christ, in the strength and assistance of the Spirit—for such things as God has promised." John Bunyan
"Read a little, then pray and meditate much." John Wesley
BOOKS of prayers
SECRET PRAYER (article)This is our most inestimable privilege!
The choicest, sweetest, wisest and strongest Christian!
We have need to use this prayer at all times
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God!
There is no habit that we should more sedulously form
If our lives were as good as our prayers!
Open wide your mouth, and I will fill it
Go to Him just as you are, and receive from Him all you need
Take both sorrow and sin to the same place
He is dull, heavy, lumpy—all but dead!
Every groan of your wounded heart; your every sigh, and cry, and prayer
This would help you more than anything
How to pray in our own Gethsemanes
Our tears of penitence cannot remove one blot
Reader have you enjoyed the presence of Jesus today?
Thomas Watson's choice quotes on PRAYER
God does not deal with us in this 'sentimental' way
Go to the mercy-seat as a little child to a mother's knee
One essential element of all true prayer
As we pass along the miry paths of life
At all times, and under all circumstances
We meekly knock at mercy's gate
Not all we wish, not all that we may think pleasant or desirable
It is not your work that He wants most—it is you
A life of simple, active, and absolute dependence on Jesus
The secret of a beautiful life!
He has a numerous and necessitous family
O what crowds of pitiable objects
He always lives to make intercession for them
Weak and helpless and burdened
The most healthy state of a Christian!
The Christian's never-failing resort in every case, in every plight
Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me!
I am fast borne along the stream of time
How often do we mingle sulphur with our incense
We may have audience with the King of the universe
My meditation of Him shall be sweet
For final revision and approval
Do you indeed ACT as you pray?
A broken heart, a helpless and powerless soul
Almighty God, our heavenly Father
Tangles which our fingers cannot unravel!
A device for saving people from toil, struggle and responsibility
Helpless, hopeless, friendless, portionless
The divine philosophy for peaceful living
It will help us greatly in our Christian life!
My malady, my monster, my foe, my viper
Fleeting earthly comforts and worldly trinkets
The bags will come to an end, long before the treasure is exhausted
I must take off my earthly garments, and put on my sacred dress
Bending His gracious ear to sinful worms
Just as the miser returns often to look on his treasure
Come with Me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest
We are not to expect that God will give us everything we choose to ask for
Do not be anxious about anything
These days of sin and temptation
Let me no longer waste my time
The sword of Divine justice buried in His sinless heart
The golden key, and the iron lock
In this scene of confusion and distraction
Ah, my much abused, much neglected heart
The chosen pleasure-ground of our souls
Your sin, guilt, and temptation
That spiritual chemistry which turns all metals into gold
Pour all your secrets into His ear
What a holy, happy life is this
An application to divine wealth—and a confession of personal inadequacy
My eyes are always on the Lord
A quiet hour spent alone with God at the beginning of the day
A man too big for temptations to conquer
O for a spirit of habitual prayer
What we are in secret devotions
The deadly viper in its real malignity
Christ's seemingly inexplicable conduct
Some of Your gifts have come to us in strange form
I flee anew to the pavilion of Your love
The treasury is large and inexhaustible
Wonder, O heavens, and be astonished, O earth!
The path to comfort in our time of sorrow
No man can do me a truer kindness, than to ____ ___ __.
We offer His blood to pay the debt
Move, I beg You, upon my disordered heart
Oh, what music in the Shepherd's ear
He will warm, soften, and fill it with His love
You have allowed the key to rust
Oh, this is heaven, the heaven of heaven
We are upon the utmost heights of human greatness
The best recipe for cheerfulness
A tear makes no great noise, yet has a voice
The heart of God will fly open
A mortal man reposing at the feet of the Incarnate God
The remedy, cure, antidote, panacea, and golden key
Little, little, little things?
It is a wonder God does not kick us out of His presence
Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away!
The grandest benefactors of the church
His beauty covers my deformities
Dull, heavy, lumpy, all but dead
Poverty, wretchedness, and woe
Go and lay your icy heart upon His flaming heart of love
God's conscious comforting presence
A hard, proud, hollow religion?
The condition of a church may be very accurately gauged by its . . .
The eminent prayerfulness of Jesus
The eloquence which God delights in
The pattern which we daily strive to copy
The religion of this poor Hottentot woman
How to get a dry and barren heart
Prayer is just talking to Jesus
Here is my heart, my poor heart
O take my all, this worthless heart, and make it wholly Thine
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