"One sight of the glorified Christ, will fill our hearts and dry up all our tears" John Newton
There we will see His face,
And never, never sin;
And from the rivers of His grace,
Drink endless pleasures in!
Treasures and pleasures!A holier, happier, sublimer, and more durable world than this!
Sin is shut out—and they are shut in
The greatest monument of mercy and grace!
The only happiness with which our souls can be satisfied!
Playing with monkeys and parrots
Could you be so selfish—and so cruel?
No dirty dogs shall ever trample upon that golden pavement
The grand object of the eye of faith
The moment after our friends say we are dead!
All will be pure, unmingled happiness—or pure, unmingled misery
In the Father's eternal dwelling!
There the wicked cease from troubling; and there the weary are at rest
Traveling to glory, honor, immortality, and eternal life
No more disease, no more weakness, no more pain!
Our Heaven, our glory, and our portion!
That one majestic, inconceivable, and expressive word
Thomas Watson's choice quotes on Heaven
The joys of that eternal banqueting house
It will fire the soul with unutterable love, and fill it with inexpressible joy
No serpent crawls along that pavement
The last pang, and groan, and tear
All this, and unspeakably more
O stand amazed at His free grace!
It is not the glory of the place—it is the beauty of the person
All happiness, all satisfaction is comprehended in this!
All this, and unspeakably more
How His eyes will sparkle with delight!
Oh, this is Heaven, the Heaven of Heaven
In that region of unsullied happiness
Their follies, their burdens, their griefs, their woes
What a wretched place would Heaven be
If I ever reach Heaven, I expect to find three wonders there
He will wipe every tear from their eyes
The bitterest ingredient in the 'cup of divine displeasure'
Neither Christ nor Heaven can be hyperbolized
All the ravishments of His presence and love
Better than winning the lottery
The great attraction of Heaven
The perfection of Heavenly bliss!
Among the wonders in Heaven, shall be these three
It will matter little when I lie in my coffin
Crawling along the road of life
What an ocean of glory is here!
I shall lie prostrate at His feet
We would not be such muck-worms
A place where sorrow cannot live—and joy cannot die
No longer will there be any curse!
Let me leave you, and fly into His arms
Having nothing—possessing everything
The sufferings of this present life
I can conceive of no higher Heaven
The most potent force for the production of virtue
Passing through the valley of weeping
There goes the vilest and most unworthy creature that has ever entered Heaven!
Without a rag on his back, or a penny in his purse
Home, sweet home! There is no place like home!
That glory is inconceivable and inexpressible
What kind of bodies will they have?
What a cluster of sweet hopes!
If you admit a pig into your parlor among your friends!
All these things shall have no place in Heaven
God will wipe away every tear from their eyes
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined
Peace, and rest, and perfect bliss
The sparkling diamond in the ring of glory
The most prominent object in Heaven
What God will bestow upon His beloved people!
I want those whom You have given Me to be with Me where I am
What kind of bodies will they have?
Surely there was no more royal moment in all of Christ's life!
"I go to prepare a place for you"
No serpent of sin will breed there
Lured and dazzled, the worldling pursues the phantom
What could an unsanctified man do in Heaven?
Brethren, is not this the very cream of Heaven?
Mysteries made plain hereafter
What God has prepared for those who love Him
Your eyes will see the King in His beauty
Who would desire to live always in this poor world?
Millions of millions of millions of millions of years
A poor, despised, contemptible thing
Weep not Grieve not Fear not Tremble not
One everlasting memorial of anguish and suffering
Half of the happiness of Heaven
I would fly away, and be at rest
Could you grasp the world like an orange
If you want to know what Heaven is
Swim in an ocean of unmixed delight
The black drop is swallowed up in a sea of victory
A world without night A Heaven without a sun
This is not your resting-place
Forever beholding fresh beauties
The Bottomless, Shoreless Sea of Infinite Joy
Without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish
The base cares & the petty enjoyments of the present world
The saints' hell—and the sinners' Heaven
From a burning Hell—to a blissful Heaven
Short-lived, imperfect and unsatisfying
What are the ephemeral distinctions of earth?
Three matchless diadems are waiting for me
Evil will not die until our Lord returns
Look forward to your sinless and perfect home
God gives His people a taste of Heaven
Oh, this is Heaven, the Heaven of Heaven
What is it that is drawing you to Heaven?
Earthly crowns are like tennis-balls
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Grace Gems
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