If you admit a pig into your parlor among your friends

(John Newton's Letters)

"Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful - but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life!" Revelation 21:27

If we do not exactly know the particulars of what Heaven is - then we know to a certainty what it is not. We are sure that it is not like earth - there are no ale-houses, gambling parlors, or theaters there.

How then could those whose hearts are set upon these things - possibly be happy even in Heaven, where they would be separated forever from all that they love? Heaven must be a Hell to an unhumbled, unsanctified sinner - even if he could be admitted there. The company, the employments, the enjoyments - are of the same kind with what he despised on earth. If you admit a pig into your parlor among your friends - he would find no pleasure there. He would rather be in the sty, or wallowing in the mire in a ditch!

Well, such were some of us - yes, such were all of us once! And you, my dear friends, though you were not vile profligates like me - you were carelessly swimming down the stream of the world, and, when upon the edge of the whirlpool which would have eternally swallowed you up - He snatched you with a strong hand, set your feet upon a rock, established your goings, and has put a new song in your mouth!

"By the grace of God I am what I am!" 1 Corinthians 15:10