Psalm 120
This Psalm depicts the unhappy condition when slanders
assail, and the soul is tossed on billows of disquietude. Prayer is the
unfailing refuge.
1. "In my distress I cried to the Lord, and He heard
Scripture faithfully proclaims that much tribulation is
the believer's lot in this world. But it stops not with a mournful note. It
also reveals the remedy in every period of distress. The remedy is prayer.
This exercise never fails to bring relief. A distinct example stands before
us. The Psalmist, mourning in the depths of trouble, lifts up a supplicating
voice. God's ears are graciously open. We shall have sorrow. Let us
similarly cry, and we shall find that sorrow leads to joy.
2. "Deliver my soul, O Lord, from lying lips, and from
a deceitful tongue."
A particular distress is now named. The exact petition is
adjoined. Slander and untruthful reports constitute the trial. The believer
is often called to this endurance. If David is the speaker, we hear him
mourning the cruel charge of Doeg. If the blessed Jesus is the prominent
personage, we know that things were laid to His charge which He knew not of.
But whenever such cruelty occurs, God is a sure refuge. No bitter arrow
wounds when His shield shelters.
3-4. "What shall be given to you? or what shall be
done to you, you false tongue? Sharp arrows of the mighty, with coals of
Admonition is made with the slandering accuser. He is
warned that he cannot expect immunity. God will vindicate His children. He
will bring fierce destruction on malignant slanderers. Images vividly
express the terrible aspect of this punishment. Miseries shall pierce false
hearts, as arrows flying from a mighty bow. Fire shall consume them, as the
fierce coals of juniper.
5. "Woe is me, that I sojourn in Mesech, that I dwell
in the tents of Kedar!"
Here is a lamentation that abode so long continues in the
midst of the cruel and idolatrous. Let us seek more the sweet communion of
saints. Let us long more for the fellowship of heaven, where love shall be
the pervading atmosphere, and praise the never-ending song.
6-7. "My soul has long dwelt with him who hates peace.
I am for peace; but when I speak, they are for war."
If the blessed Jesus found such to be His case, can His
followers expect a better state! But let us never be provoked to render evil
for evil, but on the contrary, blessing. Let us pray that the God of peace
may give us peace, always and by all means.