The Golden Key to Open Hidden Treasures

By Thomas Brooks, 1675

Several great points, which refer to the saints' present blessedness, and their future happiness. There is nothing in this treatise, but what tends to the advantage, comfort, support, settlement, and encouragement of true believers. The points here insisted on, are of the greatest use, worth, weight, necessity, excellency, and utility imaginable. It will be your life, honor, and happiness to—read them, digest them, experience them, and to exemplify them in a suitable lifestyle.



What are the special remedies, means or helps against cherishing or keeping up of any special or peculiar sin, either in heart or life?

What is that faith, which gives a man a saving interest in Christ, and in all those blessed benefits and favors which come by Christ?

Questions concerning the great day of the Lord, and the day of judgment.

Christ, bearing and enduring all these punishments for the elect.

Christ's spiritual sufferings.

Hell is a place of endless, easeless, and remediless torment.

The Divinity and Humanity of Christ

Applications and inferences

Applications and inferences (continued)

The justification of a sinner in the sight of God

Nine choice consolations of justification

Christ our representative and surety