Irresistible love!

From Spurgeon's sermon "LOVE TO JESUS"

It is impossible to really see Christ and not to love him.

Can I look into your eyes and not be smitten with your love?

Can I gaze upon your thorn-crowned head,
and shall not my heart feel the thorn within it?

Can I see you in the fever of death,
and shall not my soul be in a fever of passionate love to you.

Go and kneel by his side in Gethsemane's garden, and I am
persuaded that the drops of gore as they fall upon the ground,
shall each one of them be irresistible reasons why you should
love him.

Hear him as he cries "My God, my God, why have you
forsaken me?" Remember that he endures this out of love
to you, and you must love him.

Christ's character enchants, subdues, overwhelms, and
with the irresistible impulse of its own sacred attraction -
it draws your heart to himself.