A soul satisfying spectacle!

Octavius Winslow, "The Desire to See Jesus"

The sight of Jesus is a soul satisfying spectacle!

The penitent soul is satisfied, for it
sees in Jesus a free pardon of sin.

The condemned soul is satisfied, for it
receives in Jesus a free justification.

The believing soul is satisfied, for it
discovers in Jesus a fountain of all grace.

The tried, tempted, sorrowful soul is
satisfied, for it experiences in Jesus all
consolation, sympathy and love.

O, what an all satisfying Portion is Jesus!

He satisfies every holy desire, for He realizes it.
He satisfies every craving need, for He supplies it.
He satisfies every sore grief, for He soothes it.
He satisfies the deepest yearnings, the highest
aspirations, the most sublime hopes of the
renewed soul, for all these center and end in Him!