A serious defect!

"Go and tell Jesus" by Octavius Winslow

We solemnly believe that there may exist
a serious defect in the experience of many
Christians in their relationship with Jesus.

There is in the walk of many so wide a chasm
between Jesus and their personal and confidential
fellowship, as to leave upon the mind the conviction
that they have no dealings with Jesus at all!

Hence the distressing doubts, the timid fears,
the obscure evidences, the beclouded hopes,
that shade the luster, impair the vigor, and
render dubious the religion of so many.

The secret is, they have so little to do with Jesus!

And, as a natural result, Jesus, in the bestowment
of His favors, in the manifestations of Himself, in the
breathings of His love, has so little to do with them!

Oh! How sad, that such distance and coldness should
ever exist between Christ and a soul redeemed with
His most precious blood! What an evidence of the
fallen condition of our humanity, and of its but partial
sanctification, even in its renewed state.