Mighty love!
from "The Gospel in Exodus" by Henry Law
Reader, fix your eye on Bethlehem's manger.
A lowly Babe lies in the lowly cradle of a
lowly town, the offspring of a lowly mother.
Look again! That child is the eternal "I AM!"
He, whom no infinitudes can hold, is contained
within infant's age, and infant's form. Can it be,
that the great "I AM THAT I AM" shrinks into our
It is so!
The Lord promised it.
Prophets foretold it.
Types prefigured it.
An angel announces it.
Heaven rings with rapture at it.
Faith sees it.
The redeemed rejoice in it.
But why is this wonder of wonders?
Why is eternity's Lord a child of time?
He thus stoops, that He may save poor
wretched sinners such as we are.
He must die, as man, that lost souls may
live. To rescue from the stain of sin, the
Eternal must take the sinner's place, and
bear sin's curse and pay sin's debt, and
suffer sin's penalty, and wash out sin's
filth, and atone for sin's malignity.
Jesus alone could do this.
Jesus alone has done it.
What self denial!
What self abasement!
What self emptying!
Mighty love moves Jesus to despise all shame,
and to lie low in misery's lowest mire.
He humbles Himself to earth, that specks
of earth may rise to heaven's immortality.
Believer, do not you feel that the crowning
ecstasy is in this? Eternity alone will afford
you time to gaze with steady look on your
Savior's glories, to sing with unwearied hymn
your Savior's praise, to bless with perpetual
blessing your Savior's name, and to learn with
ever expanding knowledge your Savior's worth.