The dying love of the Lamb!
by Don Fortner
Nothing in all the universe is more wonderful
and magnificent in the eyes of God than the
death of his dear Son.
Never did the Father more fully love
his Son than when he was heaping
upon him the fury of his wrath.
The death of our Lord Jesus Christ is the
most wonderful, astounding, magnificent
event in the history of the universe. Nothing
that is, has been, or shall hereafter be, can
be compared to it.
He was suffering the wrath of God, bearing
the sins of his people, dying as the voluntary
Substitute for guilty, hell deserving, hell bent
sinners such as we are.
Redeemed sinners on the earth cherish nothing,
delight in nothing, marvel at nothing, like we
do the death of our Lord Jesus Christ for us.
The ransomed in glory appear to think of nothing
and speak of nothing except the dying love of the
Lamb in the midst of the throne.
May we become so totally consumed with the
crucified Christ, that our hearts, our lives, every
fiber of our souls may be constantly dominated
by the death of Christ as our sin atoning Savior!