Poor worldling, think of this!

From Octavius Winslow's, "Christ, the Prince of Peace"

The world, its enjoyments and pleasures, its
riches and honors, can give no peace to the soul.

The world is "like the troubled sea, which casts
up mire and dirt." With all its fleshly enjoyments,
attractions of rank and affluence, of pomp and
power, the worldling is an utter stranger to real,
substantial, satisfying peace.

"There is no peace, says any God, to the wicked."

Poor worldling, think of this!

How long will you seek this priceless, precious
pearl of peace, down in the dark mine of this fallen,
rebellious, sin tainted, and curse blighted world?

All is turmoil and change here.

All is sickening disappointment here.

And when you....
have traversed every continent,
and have sipped every spring,
and have plucked every flower,
and have eaten of every fruit,
and have heard every claim of fame,
and tried all of earth's good things,
your cry still is, "Who will show me any good?"

Poor worldling, think of this!