Babylonian books!

by Spurgeon

To forego your Bible reading for the perusal even of good
books would soon bring a conscious descending of the soul.
If you read the 'Babylonian books' of the present day, you will
catch their spirit, and it is a foreign one, which will draw you
aside from the Lord your God.

You may also get great harm from divines in whom there is
much pretence of the Jerusalem dialect, but their speech is half
of Ashdod: these will confuse your mind and defile your faith.
It may happen that a book which is upon the whole excellent,
which has little taint about it, may do you more mischief than a
thoroughly bad one.

Be careful; for works of this kind come forth from the press
like clouds of locusts. Scarcely can you find in these days a
book which is quite free from the modern leaven, and the least
particle of it ferments until it produces the wildest error. In
reading books of the new order, though no palpable falsehood
may appear, you are conscious of a twist being given you, and
of a sinking in the tone of your spirit; therefore be on your

But with your Bible you may always feel at ease; there every
breath from every quarter brings life and health. If you keep
close to the inspired book, you can suffer no harm; say rather
you are at the fountain-head of all moral and spiritual good. This
is fit food for men of God: this is the bread which nourishes the
highest life.