Sad blots!

(From Octavius Winslow's, "None Like Christ")

How much is true religion shorn of its strength by the
lack of more 'spiritual mindedness' in its professors!

The worldly amusements to which many addict themselves:
the opera,
the card playing,
the ball,
the gay party,
the novel reading,
the luxurious living,
the extravagant customs;
in which multitudes of church members indulge;
are sad blots upon their avowed Christianity,
and effectual hindrances to the advancement
of holiness in their own souls.

Oh! that with us vital religion; the pure, simple
self denying, unearthly religion of Jesus; might
be paramount; its holy influence permeating our
whole being, and giving form and tint and
direction to all our engagements and conduct!