This poor, perishing world!
(from "The Weaned Child" by Winslow)
"Surely I have behaved and quieted myself,
as a child that is weaned of his mother: my
soul is even as a weaned child." Psalm 131:2
Our heavenly Father would also wean us
from this poor, perishing world.
Oh, what an evil does the Christian find this
world to be! In consequence of the earthward
tendency of his affections, and the deep
carnality with which his mind is imbued,
many of the things which God designed as
blessings to soothe and soften and cheer;
become, by their absorbing and idolatrous
influence, powerful snares.
Rank may be a snare.
It may foster pride and ambition.
Wealth may be a snare.
It may increase the thirst for worldly show.
Talent may be a snare.
It may inspire a love of human applause.
Friendship may be a snare.
It may draw the heart from Christ.