Troubles, troubles, troubles...

From Spurgeon's, WHAT ARE THE CLOUDS?

“The clouds are the dust of his feet.” -Nahum 1:3

Things which we reckon great, are very little with God.

We have some great "trouble" and we go burdened with it,
saying, “O Lord God! what a great trouble I am burdened with.”

Why, methinks, God might smile at us, as we do sometimes at a
little child who takes up a load too heavy for it (but which you
could hold between your fingers), and staggers, and says,
“Father, what a weight I am carrying.”

So there are people who stagger under the great trouble which
they think they are bearing. 'Great', beloved? There are no great
troubles at all to God- “the clouds are the dust of his feet.”

If you would but so consider them, the greatest things
with you are but little things with God.

Suppose, now, that you had all the troubles of all the people
in the world, that they all came pouring on your devoted head:
what are 'cataracts of trouble' to God?
”Drops in the bucket.”

What are whole 'mountains of grief' to him?
Why, “he takes up the mountains as the dust of the balance.”

God can easily remove your trials.

Son of weariness and need, do not sit down and say,
“My troubles are too great.”

Hear the voice of mercy- “Cast your burden on the Lord and he
will sustain you, he will never allow the righteous to be moved.”

You shall hear two Christians talk. One of them will say, “O my
troubles, and trials, and sorrows, they are so great I can hardly
sustain them; I do not know how to support my afflictions from
day to day.”

The other says, “Ah! my troubles and trials are not less severe,
but, nevertheless, they have been less than nothing. I can laugh
at impossibilities, and say they shall be finished.”

What is the reason of the difference between these men?

The secret is, that one of them carried his troubles,
and the other did not.

It does not matter to a porter how heavy a load may be,
if he can find another to carry it all for him. But if he is to
carry it all himself, of course he does not like a heavy load.

So one man bears his troubles 'himself' and gets his back
nearly broken; but the other cast his troubles on the Lord.

Ah! it does not matter how heavy troubles are, if you can cast
them on the Lord. The heavier they are so much the better,
for the more you have got rid of, and the more there is
laid upon the Rock.

Never be afraid of troubles. However heavy they are,
God’s eternal shoulders can bear them!

He, whose omnipotence is testified by revolving planets,
and systems of enormous worlds, can well sustain you.

Is his arm shortened, that he cannot save, or is he weary,
that he cannot hold you securely?

Your troubles are nothing to God,
for the very “clouds are the dust of his feet.”