This precious panacea!

(Winslow, "The Influence of Sanctified Trial upon the Inner Life")

Nothing more effectually quickens us to
communion with God than the trial that flows
from his love, and is sanctified by his Spirit.

Oh, beloved, betake yourself unto prayer!
You shall indeed find it the outlet of all
sorrow, and the inlet of all joy.

Welcome the trouble that thus revives you.

Receive with meekness of spirit, yes with
gladness of heart, the discipline, however
humbling, that throws you upon God; yes,
that severs you from all creatures, and
that shuts you up to Him alone.

That discipline, painful as it is, springs from love.

In love that trouble is sent,
in love that cross is permitted,
in love that bitter cup is given,
in love that rod is used;
it is to set you upon the work of prayer.

Beloved, "despise not the chastening of the Lord,
nor faint when you are rebuked by him," for he
only seeks to draw you closer within his bosom.

Give your troubled spirit unto prayer. Yield it to
the reposing, soothing influence, of communion
with God.

Withhold not from your bleeding wound this
healing balsam, rob not your sick heart of
this precious panacea.

Give yourself unto prayer. Embosom your tried
and weary spirit in the very heart of Jehovah!