True faith!

The following is from Spurgeon's sermon,
"The Trial of Your Faith" #2055. 1Peter 1:7

True faith is, in every case, the operation
of the Spirit of God. Its nature is purifying,
elevating, heavenly.

Wherever true faith is found, it is:
the sure mark of eternal election,
the sign of a blessed condition, and
the forecast of a heavenly destiny.

Faith is
the eye of the renewed soul,
the hand of the regenerated mind,
the mouth of the newborn spirit.

Faith is
the evidence of spiritual life,
the mainspring of holiness,
the foundation of delight,
the prophecy of glory, and
the dawn of endless knowledge.

If you have true faith, you have infinitely
more than he who has all the world.

Faith is
the assurance of sonship;
the pledge of inheritance;
the grasp of boundless possession;
the perception of the invisible.

Within your faith there lies glory, even
as the oak sleeps within the acorn.

Time would fail me to tell of
the powers,
the privileges,
the possessions and
the prospects of faith.

He that has faith is blessed, for
he pleases God,
he is justified before the throne of holiness,
he has full access to the throne of grace and
he has the preparation for reigning with Christ forever.