Spurgeon, "Loving Advice for Anxious Seekers"
The Lord will "do exceedingly abundantly
above all that we ask or think."
This is the divine habit.
He is exceedingly bountiful.
You want to wash away your sins:
there is a 'river' of grace to wash in.
You want grace to refresh your souls:
he has 'floods' to pour upon your dry ground.
We read of the 'unsearchable riches' of Christ.
Ho! you 'leviathan' sinners, here is an
ocean of mercy for you to swim in!
Ho! you 'elephantine' sinners, here is an
ark large enough to
hold you and float you above the waters of the deluge!
Ho! you 'gigantic' sinners, whose sins of
pride reach up to
heaven, and whose feet of lust are plunged in the mire of hell,
the sacred hiding-place is large enough to hide even you!
The Lord is great in mercy.