Grace, grace, grace!

Spurgeon, "The Fulness of Jesus the Treasury of Saints"

With great reluctance we give up our
flattering opinions of ourselves. We find
it difficult to discard of the notion of our
own inherent merit. It is hard to drag man
away from the rock of self-justification.
He is glued so fast to the great stone of
self-conceit, which lies close by the gates
of hell, that a stronger than Hercules is
needed to tear him from it; and even
such a deliverer must rip him from it,
leaving the skin behind.

From the gate of the City of Destruction
up to the pearl gate of the New Jerusalem,
it is all grace. The road to glory is paved
with stones of grace. The chariot in which
we ride to heaven is all of grace. The
strength that draws it, and the axle that
bears it up, is all of grace and grace alone.

In the whole covenant of grace, from the
first letter of the charter down to its last
word, there is nothing at all of merit or
man's goodness, but it is grace, grace, grace!

Oh, how this casts mire into the
face of human self-sufficiency!

O for a gospel that reveals the sinner
as saved by grace from first to last,
that God may have all the praise!