All-sufficient salvation!

The following is from Spurgeon’s sermon,

Christ's salvation is an all-sufficient salvation!

However great your sins, Christ’s
blood can take them all away.

However deep your needs, Christ can supply them.

You cannot be so big a sinner as he is a Savior.
You may be the worst sinner out of hell, but your
sins are not too great for him to remove.
He can carry elephantine sinners upon his shoulders,
and bear gigantic mountains of guilt upon his head
into the wilderness of forgetfulness.

He has enough grace for you however deep your necessity.

Your biggest sins shall no longer trouble you, your
blackest iniquities shall no longer haunt you.

Believing in Jesus, every sin you have of thought
and word and deed shall be cast into the depths
of the sea and never shall he mentioned against
you any more for ever!