If I did perish, it would be at Mercy's feet!

(Anne Dutton, "A Brief Account of the Gracious Dealings
 of God, with a Poor, Sinful, Unworthy Creature")

It pleased the Lord to work savingly upon my heart when I was
about thirteen years of age. There was a mighty impression
made upon my heart—of the reality and consequence of a future
state either of misery or of glory—of unspeakable happiness, or
inconceivable torment—together with the nearness of its approach.

O, eternity! eternity! was ever before my eyes! And the
worth of my own soul, as an immortal spirit, was strongly
impressed upon my mind.

Again, the misery of my natural estate was set before me,
as a transgressor of the holy law. I thought all the curses
in God's book belonged to me. This raised a cry in my soul,
"What must I do to be saved?"

Now, to know whether I was elected, was my chief concern.
I wanted to know these things for my own soul. Yet though
attended with so many fears, I pressed through all difficulties,
and cast myself at the foot of free grace in Christ; resolving
that if I did perish, it would be at Mercy's feet!

The blessed Spirit took me, as it were, by the hand and led
me to take a survey of Christ. I viewed all my sins meeting
on Jesus! In the finished work of redemption, I viewed my
salvation wrought out—and a perfection of peace, pardon,
life, and glory, came flowing down to me in free grace,
through the blood of Christ!