The devil's holiday dress to deceive men's souls

(William Gadsby, "The Feeble Christian's Support")

"You must be born again." John 3:7

We have a whole host of 'professors' in our day,
who talk about their being 'religious' ever since
they were born. They had a 'religious' education,
entered into a 'religious' society, were 'religiously'
instructed from an infant, and when they got to
years of maturity, they became 'decidedly religious'.
And their minister tells them have no need to
experience any particular convictions, or to have
any particular alarm, like 'notorious sinners'.

If that minister had made up his mind to carry
them to hell comfortably
, he could not have set
about doing it in a better way!

All this beginning to be 'religious', and becoming
'decidedly religious', is the devil's holiday dress to
deceive men's souls
, and to blind their minds as to
their real state and condition before a just a holy God.

"You must be born again." John 3:7