The very remedy for all the maladies
which we groan under!

(J. C. Philpot, "The Spiritual Chase" 1843)

Grace only suits those who are altogether
guilty and filthy. Grace is completely opposed
to works in all its shapes and bearings.

Thus no one can really desire to taste the
sweetness and enjoy the preciousness of grace,
who has not "seen an end of all perfection" in
the creature, and is brought to know and feel
in the conscience, that his good works would
damn him
as equally with his bad works.

When grace is thus opened up to the soul,
it sees that grace flows only through the
Savior's blood—and that grace . . .
  superabounds over all the aboundings of sin,
  heals all backslidings,
  covers all transgressions,
  lifts up out of darkness,
  pardons iniquity,
and is just the very remedy for all the
maladies which we groan under!